ACT Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

ACTIVITY IN SOCIETY   Sport is an important part of human activities. Competitiveness, effort, fame of athletes as a synonym for success and overcoming influence society in various fields. Looking for how to understand and improve the productivity of athletes arises the psychology of sport. Mind and body are indisputably linked, so it is increasingly common for these psyche professionals. Although the application of its foundations dates from the 20s (Europe and the US.UU), its popularity is barely recent, especially in Latin America. What is sports psychology? It is an extension of psychology, a specialization that analyzes the thoughts and behaviors of athletes and their environment. This...

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acterized by relying on some conception of the human beingof a philosophical nature (with a history that go from Socrates to the phenomenology and philosophy of existence and existence)… ”which invites us to think that humanistic psychology is not something that has suddenly given this last century, but that it hasIts origins since ancient times and has had foundations from postulates of large and praised thinkers throughout history. It is interesting to think about how throughout human evolution, there were already small flashes of what we were going to know today as humanism. This could be due to the human nature of seeking a state of fullness, of growth and importance, a state of...

act, create, fulfill the tasks and strive to find happiness. At night the individual acts in a completely different way, forced cancels the requirement to consume. There is also talk about emotional asepsis which seeks to reject affectation. When a problem is present, people often opt for the use of drugs or medications which are managed by anguish and despair. The uses of these substances can be reflected in fiction, which aims to achieve the anesthesia of the bodies and the misfortune that is accompanied directly from it. There is an example of a film called "A Happy World" in which all people must necessarily inject a drug in the day which has the effect of suppressing emotions. This is...

act of sexual dimorphism during the development of the personality of an individual. The motivation of such behavior in the sexual field of its biological area represents sexual dimorphism at the psychological, genital, etc., configuring the sex of the individual, that is, what basically "is": male or female. Explicitly manifests itself through morphological or genital sex. At the social level of the SS, the sexual role is expressed, that is, the role of gender assigns to the individual, according to the guidelines of culture (family, community) to which it belongs (public expression). So, the individual from birth must learn to identify with the sexuality assigned to him. What is expected...

act of knowing, which we do not find in the case of doubt and neither in that of theopinion. In doubt, we tend to hesitate among various judgments, without finding clear motifs that drive us to consider one as true, and another as false. In the same way, in the opinion we are inclined to some of those judgments, but with the fear of err. The fact that some of our knowledge are accompanied by certainty and others of doubt or opinion, poses the problem of whether our certainties will have a true foundation or if, on the contrary, they will be born of pure subjectivity. In the case of such foundation, it will be for us of great interest to be able to know its origin and structure. This critical...

actors that influenced the emergence of this. Although the countries that receive immigrants consider them a problem, this research will analyze the benefits that this phenomenon grants, both to destination nations and their countries of origin. The study of migration not only covers the economic factor, but the sociological and psychological. Immigration, it is not a problem is a situation that we must understand and attend; Today, international organizations recognize this as an element of people's law, so proposals and initiatives are studied, being a priority issue to Novel International, being a situation that increases as a consequence of the so -called globalization, which which He has...

act against the order that God has established. Comment by User: The appointments are made with the last name, the year of publication of the article, book, etc and the page. The aporia of evil The same concept of evil presents difficulties;Due to its unbeatable dimension, it is indefinable, it has generally been defined as a moral, physical and social evil, but in essence it shows the cruelty of the evil (cf. Gómez Santibáñez, G. The problem of evil, 3). Evil is a mystery and it is something that affects us and hurts. Saint Augustine addressed the issue as a reaction to dualistic Manichaeism that put the theme of God between the sword as the great and dispenser of grace., and Saint Augustine...