ACT Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

acterized as a historical hero by him “discovery of America,” however, there are many who have considered him a terrorist and genocidal.  To get to a conclusion on whether Columbus was a hero or a villain depends on the criteria and many times the ethnic group of the individual, but the evidence and stories point out that, in effect, Columbus was not the hero that history books tell. Christopher Columbus was an opportunistic tyrant captain who took advantage of his crew and took terror to the New World, squeezing indigenous people and taking their natural resources. Developing According to the story, Christopher Columbus left on August 3, 1492 from the port of Palos, in Spain in his three...

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actices in secret, inThe interior of their homes. Exhibition summary   Bassanio in a young nobleman, who wishes to dazzle a good house named Portia, but after wasting all his property, he resorts to his friend Antonio to lend three thousand ducats. Antonio Despite being a great merchant, at the moment he does not have so much effective, but Bassanio finds the Jew Shylock, who agrees to lend him the money in the name of Antonio, but if he cannot return it he must give him a pound of his own meat. After getting the Bassanio money he addresses Belmont along with his friend Gratiano. Meanwhile, Portia is among a large number of suitors, but according to the testament of his late father, he could...

act in which an obligation is derived among the main characters of the book. First, we must enter the context of history, referring to the time when they were the 16th century in ancient Italy where its population lived under an empire of the Church, since the Catholic religion and thatthat had a different spiritual inclination were considered heretics. It is also valid to highlight that trade was practiced, this practice allowed people to have an important position making them see each other with society. Figures such as loan and usury also presented themselves during this time, although during the Modern Age they saw usury as an act of insolence and those who will carry it out were rejected by...

acticed as before, the same that must be an important part in our life.There is a lot of dishonesty;Human beings no longer act attached to this value;There is no total honesty on the part of people, for example;Marriages, friends, work relationships, among others, there is disloyalty in them. The enhancement of each of these negative aspects is intended to understand the great importance of values in the human being. If we consolidate, any type of values (economic, moral, religious, aesthetic, social, affective, intellectual) are essential to consider the things we have, the qualities of others, and that we are able to respect their rights and demand ours. This, complying that the value is not the...

acters are presented through parliaments, that is to say they tell their story personally. Exalting its content in a peculiar and unparalleled way, even more for presenting a literary realism for the social situations that its architect related to its reality of the time, giving way to a change that can arise in the way of living of society. That said, this dramatic work highlights uniquely academs that were rooted in various social issues, becoming one of the procedures of giving rise to the development of this work in literature. The social problems that emphasize "dollhouse" are exposed to the social environment in which it is, that is, society in the develops since it is a central...

act as if the wolf were 'the greatest enemy of humanity', are at the same time lovers of the owners of dogs who consider the dog, descendant of the wolf, such as the ''MAN BEST FRIEND '. Their attitudes seem especially contradictory when they consider the fact that companion dogs, such as wolves, sometimes kill cattle and other pets. In addition, every year, dogs kill or hurt many more people than wolves. In 2012, the World Health Organization reported that, worldwide, more than 55.000 people die annually, 99% of them infected with dog bites. Children run a special risk, since dogs bite them between 3 and 5 times more than adults.. Although wolves can also become infected with the rabies virus and...

act of honor, the aristocratic suicide, showing the world a higher value of devotion to life. Era Yukio Mishima, the most famous Japanese writer of the twentieth century. But Yukio was much more than that. Mishima was born in 1925 under the name of Kimitake Hiraoka. He grew up with his grandmother and returned to the parents' house only at the age of 12.  He was closely linked to his mother while his father was in a military exercise. At the request of his grandmother, Yukio Mishima attended an elite state school, where he studied literature in detail. The actor, poet, warrior, nationalist, versatile personality that through his political-philosophical and idealistic thinking, was oriented to...

act of sexist violence that has as possible or real physical, sexual or psychic damage, including threats, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of freedom, already whether it occurs in public or private life ». I think that gender violence is an issue that primarily affects Latin America, which could be dejected, however, there are forces that are carried away by the tradition and power of male sex. Next, it will be discussed on how despite cultural changes in society this bad behavior continues to be dragged through generations. Historically, this has been happening as a pattern that is repeated again and again where the woman is the victim and the man the perpetrator, it has been proven that it has...

act as carcinogens which cause harm to the red blood cells and the liver. In the presence of phenols in ecosystems they are related to the production and degradation of pesticides, emission of gasoline combustion gases from motor vehicles and domestic or industrial wastewater. Therefore, it is important to reduce their concentrations in the environment through bioremediacion.  Many microorganisms are able to degrade phenol using aerobic or anaerobic routes. It has been identified that the enzyme Hydroxylase participates in the Aerobics of Phenol Degradation. This enzyme catalyzes phenol conversion to catechol. On this route, the enzyme Hydroxylase uses oxygen to catalyze the addition of a second...