ACT Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

act before a natural disaster Introduction A catastrophe implies a negative, often unforeseen and brutal event that causes human losses and destruction of important materials, causing a large number of victims and an important social disorganization. According to scientific research, the predominant social response to these catastrophes is first of all, the stunning and then collective fear, the feeling that life itself is at risk. Every catastrophe somehow affects human beings, causing anxiety, fear, concern and other emotional symptoms. Burgos highlights that the difference in psychological impact depends on where they are when the catastrophe occurs. Developing In the current case of Puerto...

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act of being, this can be presented in multiple ways, not only by physical damage, butAlso in much more subtle and difficult to identify ways, such as micromachisms, and since all of the above is only a small part of a much larger and more imposing whole such as the patriarchal system. Developing The woman throughout history has always been considered less important with respect to the figure of man, he is the one who orders, provides and therefore brings economic stability, while we have been linked to home tasks, which are not comparablein importance to what they do not deliver: “The woman determines and differs in relation to man, and is not in relation to her;The woman is the insencial...

action of throwing plants into the sea was highlighted. Such an act was the cause of a non -favorable response from the British government, who sent a war fleet which unleashed the first opium war. Such war remained for four years, and ended with the defeat of China, who had to sign the Nanking Treaty, whose purpose was to achieve a thirteen points where issues of commerce, repairs and demobilization were addressed, but the point of greatestrelevance was where it stipulated that China had to give up Hong Kong to the United Kingdom, Captain Charles Elliot did not refuse. Between 1856 and 1860, the Second Opium War is generated, due to commercial interests by the British in terms of smuggling made...

actices also vary from one culture to another, all cultures have some sexual practices institutionalized, while other behaviors are delegitimized. So, it is society itself that is responsible for creating a criterion for classification of sexuality and establishing those sexual behaviors that are lawful or illegal. Because of this there is no society that of freedom to its members in sexual practice because no culture can work with a sexual chaos situation (sexual free-for-alall), in the same way that it cannot work in a society of chaosSocial. Homosexuality is a sexual classification and in most cultures this behavior is rejected by its members when considered a diverted sexual practice. In this...

acteristics establish in which there are only two genres (men and women) and that has to comply. In short, this makes society entrenched thoughts about sexuality in which everything that is the opposite or different is a rejection of certain people. From here, visibility is built and other terms related to the two mentioned above are given: sexual orientation, sexual identity and gender identity The first corresponds to the sexual attraction that is attracted to another. If this attraction is directed towards another of the opposite sex, it is called heterosexual and on the contrary if the attraction is towards a person of the same sex, it is homosexual and if it is directed towards the two sexes...

acterized by their constant struggles for the claim of their rights. This above is necessary to clarify that the following work maintains a position in favor of adoption by same -sex couples and the reasons on which the essay is based are the following: Several investigations on homoparental adoption have indicated that there are no effectsharmful to children raised by same sex parents;Children raised in households of the same sex can have a better capacity to overcome huge obstacles, stand firm in the face of adversity and make better decisions. In this way, it can be affirmed that adoption is one of the best ways to form a family because the physical and psychological security of girls and boys is...

acts through nerve impulses) and the endocrine system (which acts through hormones), together or independently, implement measures to restore this internal balance, having a connection inthe hypothalamus-hypopysarian axis. These systems are called feedback systems. Feedback systems Our body regulates the internal environment through many feedback systems. A feedback system is a cycle of phenomena in which the state of a certain body condition is controlled, evaluated and supervised (controlled condition). Any alteration that causes a change in a controlled condition is called stimulus. There are three basic components in the feedback system. In the first place is the receiver that consists of a...