Institution Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Reflection 3


Institution Adult education Adult education is a practice where adults connect in organized and consistent self-educating actions so as to gain new structures of knowledge, talent, approaches or principles. Adult education is a common education curriculum for adults. These centers provide affordable free classes for people over the age of eighteen and over. The adult schools are in diverse metropolis and towns. The schools give students general education diplomas, high school diplomas, the students, also learn about their country for those who want citizenship, and others take English lessons especially those who English is not their first language. Adults in school are in the informal form of...

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Institution The Link between Innovation and Entrepreneurship Innovation is a vital element of entrepreneurship as it provides the means of exploiting change and opportunities for producing new products and services (Drucker, 1985). Even though an entrepreneur is defined as a person who starts a new and small business, not all small businesses represent entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is believed to be a risky undertaking. Even though there is some risk involved, entrepreneurship is less risky as compared to optimization. Entrepreneurship only seems risky when the entrepreneurs fail to discover their survival kit, which is innovation. Innovation transforms the meaning of entrepreneurship to;...

Institution Intermodalism Intermodal is characterized by the shipment of freight in an intermodal container, using different methods of transportation, without handling the cargo when shifting these forms of transport. Consequently, intermodalism entails the coordination of a series of transportation methods between the starting point and destination of the load as well as various shifts between modes. The primary objective of intermodalism is to link transport systems that cannot connect since they service different regions (Goldberg, 2009). Therefore, the main criteria for intermodalism to work are the presence of various forms of carriers along with the initial nature of the freight. In other...

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Institution: Diagnostic Issues in Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea The author of the article talks about sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). Firstly, the author brings out the characteristics of OSAS which include limited airflow during sleep and disruption of sleeping patterns. For example, the child can experience obstruction of air when they are asleep, and they will tend to wake up hence interrupting their sleeping patterns. Additionally, the author also documents the prevalent population who are children between two to eight years; the condition is also known as primary snoring (Hiren & Arens, 2008). In this instance, one can also identify the other symptom of OSAS among children which is...

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Institution: Course: Date: Level 5 leadership Level 5 leadership is a concept established by Jim Collins in his quest to determine what it takes for a leader to achieve greatness. In short, it emphasizes more on strategies that a potential effective leader can utilize to reach the highest level of leadership fitness. There are certain qualities needed for any individual to be an effective leader. According to Jim Collin, the greatest leaders portrayed the qualities of being fearless, humility, modest, change-oriented, shy and every success is not a personal concern, but it was necessary for the entire team. Consequently, Jim Collin had previously identified other four level of leadership. For...

Institution Course Date West Nile Virus There are many infectious diseases which are caused by bacteria. For purposes of this essay, the focus is on a disease called West Nile Fever. It is a form of illness caused by West Nile Virus. West Nile Fever is a form of mosquito-borne contamination with typical symptoms of fever, tiredness, headaches, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, rash and loss of appetite. The presentation of this disease and its pathogen can be illustrated in the form of a 3x5 index card as shown in the table below. Control Strategies There are three control strategies which are used to limit the spread of WNV. These includes treatment of the disease, preventing the disease, and...

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Institution Wendt’s analysis describes constructivism as a social theory of international policies that highlights the communal structure of the global issues in opposition to the notion of the realists. The theory explains how the global politics are molded through behaviors and decisions of egocentric leaders. The leaders always focus on fulfilling their personal interest when they endorse decisions that help them make more money at the expense of others when it comes to international relations. According to scholars like Wendt, Constructivism forms fresh mainstream in regards to the international relations. However, constructivism is also viewed as an opposition movement when analyzing...

Institution A punitive culture causes the employees to fear to make mistakes, they are afraid of the punishment that they will receive, in worst cases, they are afraid that they will get fired. The fear of punishments leads to errors, system failure and many other reckless actions to not being reported. A punitive culture would write up the person responsible instead of the cause of why the mistake was able to happen in the first place. If a system failure fails to be reported the health care system will not be able to improve and thereby the safety of the patients won’t increase. Therefore, a leader of a healthcare organization needs to acquire the skills to change and transform the punitive...

Hierarchy of Values using the Rokeach Value Survey Top Three Values Terminal values Instrumental Values 1 A world at peace Independent 2 Family Security Broad minded 3 Wisdom Logical I consider peace to be essential to every form of development. This is both in the sphere of personal life and public life. Peace in this sense acts as the precursor to any achievement that leaders might aim to accomplish. At the same time, peace is the ultimate goal of everything. Every action must be aimed at achieving inner peace and peace with neighbors. My actions as a leader are therefore most likely determined by their potential to impact positively on the relationships between individuals. It does...

Institution: What we mean by State International law binds the states that consent to the International agreements involved. The states may sign a treaty to delegate authority to an international body. However, the question lies as to who or what the state is in this context. According to Hathaway (2008), consent in International agreements brings the question of who gives the consent to them. He further deduces that states are not unitary actors. In fact, several individuals are formed in signing international consent. The individuals make decisions for the millions of the people making up that state. Therefore, since states are not unitary actors, few people are mandated to make critical...