Hope Essay Samples and Topic Ideas



hope did not fade away. I still hoped that things would get better. I struggled to get a few coins here and there that would supplement the income through various tasks, but there was no significant change. You seemed to have lost all hope my dear husband, but I always encouraged you, soothed you through the night. I got wind of the information that you had been unfaithful to me, that you were sleeping with different women in your workplace. But I remained by your side. I knew you would change as we had much to accomplish together. But why did you, therefore, decide to take your life dear husband, leave me alone with my unaccomplished dreams? Anyway, it is all a waste of time as you won’t reply...

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hope to join the same faculty, I now understand the need for a constant reminder that I am preparing my students to survive in a competitive world. Therefore, the topic has shaped my thoughts on how I can assist my students to become better in facing the challenges in reality. Instead of transferring knowledge, I would be willing to advise my students how they can apply the knowledge they gain in solving the many problems once they graduate. Reference Thelin, J. R. (2011). A history of American higher education. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Univ....

hope my kind request will be a priority in placing the corporation a better place in the...

hope for healing and creating peace. However, I do not agree with the idea that remembrance day is solely about the recollection of war and celebration of war heroes. From my perspective, remembrance day is more than just a day to remember the war heroes. The essence of remembrance day is also meant to allow individuals to recollect the evils of war, count their losses in loved ones. These heroes could have been much more if they had the opportunity to live out their lives in peace. Remembrance day is, therefore, more about sorrow than celebration. It is a reminder of why we should never to go to war again. However, your post has enhanced my understanding of remembrance day. It is now clear that...

hope the arguments made in this memo are reasonable enough to you and I am looking forward to rectification of the said areas. I am always available if any explanations or clarifications are needed. I am also ready for any negotiations from your side because I believe that with time will find a way to work through these security hazards. I have also sent a similar copy of the memo to the Sciencelab.com manager and I hope he will also find time to go through it. Let’s unite and work together to ensure that sciencelab.com remains productive and that the employees feel comfortable working in the premises even with flammable chemicals at play. Thank you very much for going through...

Dear Uncle


hope that this request is achievable. Once more receive my warm regards together with Madame Leslie. Aabha and her husband have also passed their greetings. Lastly, may I have your phone contacts, and I am looking forward to your reply as well as an opportunity to visit you and your family.Kind...

hope during financial adversity (Collins, 29). More ever, the level 5 leaders always work hard through consistent effort in their quest to implement the laid down goals (Collins, 31). Furthermore, level 5 leaders are always critical in pushing judgments that would significantly impact their firm. In conclusion, level 5 leaders are always innovative and creative in determining the best technology or strategies that would minimize the cost of production, increase output, and guarantee employees satisfaction. Work Cited Collins, Jim. "Level 5 leadership: the triumph of humility and fierce resolve." (2005)....

hope that my passion for Pharmacy, my commitment, and my accomplishments will be reason enough for you to consider my appeal. Sincerely, Student...

hope to inspire others to join this movement across the country. Community work will help in ensuring environmental safety. With the adverse climate change, small initiatives as this play a fundamental role in our environmental...