Emotions Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

emotions. In the context that alive day by day it is personally present in me self-love, since it is something fundamental and in case this type of love has any alteration can bring health problems. Family love and a superior being that is God is also very important. Love delivers happiness and satisfaction for me and my loved ones, however we must know that love is not just what we commonly know, such as happiness, affection, tranquility, etc., in other cases, for erroneous more psychological decisions of some people You can give us other types of feelings, rather negative such as disinterest, even obsessions. This is how this great feeling derives different types of attachment according to the...

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emotions that each character has seeks to soak up knowledge, so he never answers, but he makes infinite questions. conclusion This book has taught me to look at life in another way, not let myself be guided by what is seen with the naked eye and try to avoid the complexes we have in our heads that many times do not let us know people truly. He has also taught me to know how to live, not get carried away by work and responsibilities always, work is important, but you also have to know how to look beyond it, and know how to enjoy life...

emotions to our memory. Remembering childhood, adolescence, family, special moments, etc. It allows us to know how our past was and this is part of who we are in the present. Developing We are always yearning for the past, wanting to be in those moments where we felt good and happy. According to a Euromonitor report, studies confirm that most consumers remember the past with pink glasses and are ready to spend on any product that can help them recreate the feelings of warmth and security they felt during the happiest times. Nostalgia marketing takes advantage of those fashions of past times and again to emerge, since this generates a sense of belonging because we all make part to a time with which...

emotions and moodsthat are externalized in gestures, postures and movements of the body involuntarily and unconsciously, and may be determined by climatic issues, health, environment or social and cultural environment;Whenever man is a psychophysio -emotional being. Understanding that there are three human positions mainly to state: 1. Standing;two. Sitting, crouched or kneeling, and 3. Thrown or lying. Which in turn can be subdivided according to the way and occasion that are carried out. According to Argyle a person can take a certain position according to cultural situations and in the attitude of one person towards another present and take a similar position in their way of sitting for example,...

emotions, beauty and art, without the notion of aesthetics that we have today, so it can be said, that in the past, they were established slowly the precepts that would lead to aesthetics to become what we currently know. Developing The most important example is Aristotle, which in his work about poetics is concerned with reflecting on the imitation, senses, emotions and their relationship with art understood from the Greek point of view, specifically, of poetry tragic; Where you can see a clear influence of his teacher, who cares about the mimetic character of art and his influence on the soul of those who presented themselves before him as spectators, however, the Estagirita proposes arguments...