Diversity and Multicultural Education in The Classroom Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

classroom or in any other type of scenario are more accepted where learning takes place, basedIn this text we can affirm that there is no relationship between credits and flexibility that can depend on each other, they only complement each other. The student's autonomy is essential as well as personal interests, making the way to organize the duties that each student has during their academic training easier, also facilitating access for advanced training and thus providing possibilities in various educational scenarios that improve conditions the conditionsStudent personal. conclusion From flexibility we can say that it is based on providing the student with the way to mobilize in the different...

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the pillars of the integral development of the human being” (P.70) Which makes it possible for psychological and physical processes to be related through music practice to develop different skills such as hearing, fine motor skills, coordination, laterality, mechanical memory, auditory evocation,rhythm, concentration and expression of emotions among others (Reynoso, 2010). And in this way favor the learning process through sound, musical interpretation and rhythm. In this sense, artistic education could be projected as the generation of significant learning spaces, because through sound, rhythm and musical interpretation you can improve the learning processes of individuals (Campbell, 2001) in...

classroom with my personal life, highlighting the importance and utility they will have in the development of this. Human development is the main engine of all activities carried out by a society. That is why, the relevance of having studied the application of theoretical concepts will be fundamental in the personal and professional development of my person, due to the impact it generates at different levels. My development has been influenced by two components: inheritance and environment. The first is the process, by which, the physiological and nutriological characteristics of our pass are transmitted. A factor that I consider that it has influenced my development, is my thin context, since I...

classroom, the actions to which they encourage them: play freely in the mud, go out to contemplate nature, build without a team boat a team, make a body map and body map andmental to learn about oneself, treating intrapersonal intelligence, very careless in schools...

classroom? Hardly, we have almost nobody read Foucault, however, clearly and more or less a priori, many teachers manage to reflect groups about self-care and different risk behaviors. The valuable thing about Foucault's approach is that we are responsible for our own construction of the election of the project that each of us...