Display Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

JSON Summary


display it on a web page. The function v=can be demonstrated using a string as the input instead of using a file. The code below indicates how JSON creates a string using JSON syntax var text = '{ "employees" : }'; The syntax used in javascript is a subset of that used in JSON. Thus, the JSON.parse text may be used to convert a JSON text into a JavaScript object as shown in the code below var obj = JSON.parse(text); When the browser is too old and does not have any JavaScript support function, the JSON.parse () can use the eval () function, which is used to convert JSON text into JavaScript objects as shown below var obj = eval ("(" + text + ")"); The advantage of using the eval () function is...

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displayGroupName=Journals&currPage=&scanId=&query=&prodId=UHIC&search_within_results=&p=UHIC:WHIC&mode=view&catId=&limiter=&display query=&displayGroups=&contentModules=&action=e&sortBy=&documentId=GALE. Accessed 23 Nov. 2016. This article which appeared in The Mississippi Quarterly, speaks of the racial ripples caused by the book. It is fundamental to the research since it gives unparalleled historical insight to the context and the audience Faulkner was targeting. The targeted audience can help in understanding the information that was being passed across to the audience. Yang, Pingping. "A road to destruction and self-destruction: the...

Display an example district. imshow(sample_regions(:,:,1)) title(); Descriptor fabric r texture % Create an exhibit that contains your shading names: % 0 = foundation % 1 = red % 2 = green % 3 = purple % 4 = maroon % 5 = yellow color_labels = 0:(nColors-1); % Initialize grids to be utilized as a part of the closest neighbor characterization. a = double(a); b = double(b); Remove = repmat(0,); % Perform order. For number = 1:nColors distance(:,:,count) = ( (a - color_markers(count,1)).^2 + ... (b - color_markers(count,2)).^2 ).^0.5; end = min(distance, , 3); Name = color_labels(label); Clear esteem remove; Weber images representation law descriptor...

display of potentially competing or cooperating native whites and ethnic immigrant clusters. Therefore, NYC should be regarded not as an outsider in harboring a unique set of migrants. It has a mixed set of migrants that are very representative of the foreign-born populace. Mollenkopf (2013) states that the city’s past struggle on the way migrants should be incorporated into the city’s political system created mechanisms as well as dynamics that continue to impact the city’s politics in the present times. In response to the waves of immigration, the city created political establishments and cultures that aimed to offer chances to the immigrants, mobilize them and represent their...

Question one


display their traditional way of life under the Prophet without arousing the attention to worship Prophet Muhammad. The first and the second image show their leader worshiping, thus serving as an example to them. Besides, the third image has blurred the face of the Prophet to prevent any attention that can make people worship him. In general, the impression of the images creates a neutral civilization position of the Islamic people. Question five The Islamic history is different from the Buddhist and the Christian history in the early century because of the different initiatives taken by their leader. Prophet Muhammad played a significant role as a political leader to protect his fledgling community...

display of status rather than the functionality and usefulness of a given activity. However, it is very satirical that any activity that is productive is not considered honorable. It is very unfortunate that this is the same perception that forms the basis of the economic and social life in the modern era. Despite the satirical nature of Theory of Leisure Class to the upper social class in the society, Veblen intended to prove the significance of socio-economic analysis in the modern society. The author, therefore, examines the economic behavior of the Leisure Class through conspicuous consumption. Victims of Leisure Class value the social goal of creating a superior impression over others...

Reflection 3


display them and carry out learning curriculum related to them. The museum as an artifact is not like other learning facilities, it uses real objects for learning, unlike the other schools where learning is theoretical. The artifacts in the museum have a particular way of mediating the education process. The process of collecting, preserving and displaying artifacts happens in an educational manner. The displaying is the most significant learning activity; it is a way of connecting people to the objects. The use of objects is an informal learning that takes place mimetically; the adults learn through the environment brought by both the relics and space. The history of the museum began with a...

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Writing 2


display. The way parents respond to their children’s needs plays a pivotal role in determining the bond they develop in their adult lives. The major styles of attachment often developed by children include secure, anxious, and avoidant attachments. Secure children are easily comfortable with themselves even when their parents leave them alone in a room. A child with an anxious and insecure attachment becomes extremely uncomfortable and distressed when separated from their parents, and are difficult to calm down after reuniting with the parent. A child with an avoidant style of attachment will not be distressed when separated from the parents and will become indifferent to the parent upon...

display a belief system that will solve the event encountered. Further, C stands for consequences of irrational beliefs. It is obvious that the irrational thinking and beliefs yield negative impacts. The beliefs can include the self-satisfying insights. For instance, if one expects to feel worried and performing poorly, he or she sets him or herself up to feel worried and perform poorly (Ellis, 1962). It is possible that some persons will repeat the negative thinking many times. This repetitive thinking is known as rumination, and it is slightly the same as self-programming. An individual who is repetitively thinking may remain in a bad disposition as a result of the unceasing negative self-training....