Display Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

display the regression line and the correlation coefficient. Include the scatterplot, with the regression line, in your answer. You should label your scatterplot appropriately. This may be a printout from Data plotter or a scatterplot produced by hand. You can add details, Such as the title, to a computer-generated graph by hand, if you wish. lefttop (b) Write down the equation of the regression line, in the form y = mx + c. What do x and y represent in the equation? A linear regression line has an equation of the form Y = a + bX where X is the explanatory variable and Y is the dependent variable. The slope of...

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Display the date getDate(){ date return } info=$(uname -a) date=$(getDate) user=$(id) echo The Current Date is $date echo Username and Id: $user echo System Information: $info echo Our Current Working Directory is $PWD Output results are as shown below centertop Linux Script 2 #!/bin/bash getDate(){ date return } theDate=$(getDate) info=$(uname -a) user=$(id) cd /tmp #search for 'Mary' in /etc/passwd name='Mary' search=$(grep $name /etc/passwd) if then echo $name is a user in the system else echo $name is not a user in the system fi #display date echo The Date is $theDate #display system information echo System Information $info #display user...

  • Words: 550
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display this element. In this paper, the main ideas, as well as the critique of the article, gets discussed. In this story, the writer aims at communicating one central idea which is that of oppression of the poor by the rich. The master is only concerned about the safety of his money and riches throughout the story. He is continually derailing in thoughts of people stealing from him because he has too much which he refuses to share with others. He is such a miser to the extent that he leaves his hound hungry for days without food (In Hughes et al. 2013). This story shows the truth of life where some people would rather not spend their riches on helping others but keep them securely for their...

displaying sexual maturity behavior after the fourth month. The breeding season is most common towards the end of January and runs through to the beginning of March before skipping to September. At this time the cat is usually exposed to high amounts of daylight which according to West-Eberhard (157) tends to activate the sexual hormones of the animals. The female being observed cat comes to estrus and stays eager to breed within a span of 5 to 10 days. When the cat was young, her estrus would last for only 5 to 6 days, however, after two years the cat started being on heat for a long as 8 to 10 days. Anytime that she did not find a mate, it would take another 1 to 2 weeks she will get another estrus...

  • Words: 550
  • Pages: 2
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My Essay


display. What fascinated most is that the robots seemed so realistic but could not perform essential functions such as making human-like decisions. Since that day my imagination grew, and I could only think of a time where robots could make work easier by performing human-like functions. However, for robots to have human-like functions they must follow codes created and installed on their hardware. Borrowing from Einstein’s allusion, I had the imagination but lacked the necessary knowledge to execute the “basic” robotic functions. Through research and consultations, I learned that had to understand the basics of programming functions which are well taught in the study of computer science. Over...



display violent behavior is another characteristic of serial killers. After Connie refuses to get out of the house, Arnold friend threatens to come and get her all by himself. He even tells her that he would break in if he had to. This is after Connie threatened to call the police using the home telephone. According to the narrator, Arnold friend says. “This is how it is, honey: you come out and we’ll drive away, have a nice ride. But if you don’t come out we’re gonna wait till your people come home and then they’re all going to get it,” (Oates 9). He also threatens to harm her family. Serial killers are quick to anger. He is angry at Ellie for talking to him and responds in a very angry...

  • Words: 550
  • Pages: 1
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display the message in a song in a functional way that is relatable to the audience. A director of a movie can use the entire song and place different segments to various scenes of the movie. Musical movies, especially movies whose focus is on music and specific musical instruments such as the piano teach the society the importance of music. The piano, for instance, is one of the movies that has inspired non-musical people in a positive way as they watch the passion that Ada, the main character, has towards her piano. Love being one of the main themes in the movie has been displayed so well by the use of the piano thus encouraging non-pianists to love and support the art. The piano is a movie based...

display the information to public. The author further suggests that a collective responsibility ought to be taken by all to ensure a healthy living of our teenagers. According to the author, children have been significantly affected by obesity due to poor diets. He presents a personal view and evidence as he too had obesity health issues at childhood. Research by Centre for Disease Control and Prevention even indicates massive amounts of money spent on treating obese related problems. The author creates both emotional and character appeal to the reader by explaining the adverse effects of taking large amounts of junk food and encourages responsibility among companies such as the McDonalds in their...

OTC lab


display. They both have an illuminated port that guides in inserting a test strip in darkness. Their test strips are most accurate at a normal range of 4-7 mmol/L. Furthermore, they are most accurate at low and high ranges of below 4 and more than 7 mmol/L. However, the Abbott Freestyle lite has a prior model of LCD without color while Contour next USB is made up of a brighter LCD which purposefully placed on a background that is black in color for easy display in darkness. The freestyle lite has a battery that can be replaced since it can over some time before replacement while the Contour is made up of a USB that can be charged with reliable, compatible devices, for instance, a laptop....