Discrimination in The Workplace Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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workplace accidents, enhancement of machine safety at the workplace, reduction of lawsuits from the clients and minimized chances of company closure. When the employees lack safety skills, an error that results in lawsuits and fines from the regulatory agencies could occur. Such occurrences are often costly for the company (Cascio, 2018). Therefore, providing training prevent extra expenses on accidents and minor errors. The training further ensures that the equipment and machines at the workplace are safe for the employees to use thus meeting the safety standards. The company adjusts to safety measures thus reducing the chances of the company being cited for safety violation issues. Increased...

workplace (Reitz et al., 2017). She was also quite supportive. At times I felt like quitting due to various traumatic incidences in the unit. I would see and interact with critically injured or ill patients who I would later learn had died, and this was not easy for me. She was however there for me during such times and continued to encourage me to be emotionally strong. She also constantly encouraged me to work hard to further my study and achieve my dreams telling me that she had like me, started as a Certified nursing assistant. Sinclair et al., (2015) argues that support is quite crucial in mentorship as one made to feel like a burden will not get the necessary desire to learn new things. She was...

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workplace, handling the disputes is one of the unsavory task leaders should have. One of the best scenarios is when the employees have a lot of differences in the workplace. Being a leader, it becomes challenging in solving such disagreements(Moschen, 2015). Another challenge is balancing the authority. In this case, every person wants typically to be liked by the peers. Being a leader, it becomes challenging to balance the authority in this case. Conclusively, when one is a leader, there are both rewarding and challenging situations associated with it. For instance, leaders face the challenge of handling the disputes. Also, balancing the authority is also challenging in leadership. The rewarding...

Workplace At the workplace Theory, X is majorly used in organizations with autocratic leadership style. These are organizations where the management solely dictates all the operation of the business. In this situation, the personnel does not have a say in decision making (Hersey, Blanchard & Johnson, 2013). They are required to strictly submit to the organization's rules and regulations without any complaints regardless of how tough they may be. An example of this theory is the feasible leadership Theory. The theory dictates its subject and does not provide any room for questioning. From its maxims and elements, it is notable that Theory X aligns with Biblical concepts. For instance, the Bible...

workplace since there is no introduction of new employees that evoke innovation and present different perspectives. By recruiting individuals from within, organizations limit the number of potential applicants that have the power to execute new and competitive ideas. Internal recruitment causes resentment and animosity among the employees that are not appointed or promoted. Discord is created in the workplace when an individual is promoted to another employee that feels deserving of the same recognition. Morale is negatively affected as the employees that are not promoted feel neglected and unappreciated which consequently affects the entire organization. To avoid resentment and jealousy, it is...

workplace.   References Benefits at WALGREENS. (2018). Jobs.walgreens.com. Retrieved 6 February 2018, from https://jobs.walgreens.com/benefits Tang, N., Mitchell, O. S., Mottola, G. R., &Utkus, S. P. (2010). The efficiency of sponsor and participant portfolio choices in 401 (k) plans. Journal of Public Economics, 94(11-12), 1073-1085. Walgreen Company 401k Rating by BrightScope. (2018). Brightscope.com. Retrieved 6 February 2018, from...

workplace possess the necessary skills to enable them to meet customer's expectations. In this case, having a succession plan is an ethical role in ensuring that employees are equipped with the right knowledge and that they can fulfill various positions within the firm. Evidently, incumbents have an ethical responsibility to ensure that there is a flow of the succession pipeline. Therefore, this type of planning enables incumbents to fulfill their moral responsibility. Second, succession planning is also an ethical obligation to the employees, especially those who are eligible for promotion. Workers in various firms should ensure they are proficient and have the required skills to enable them...

workplace. Additionally, the paid leave plan can be expensive due to unnecessary expenses-workers are paid yet there is no work done. Compensation and benefits plan does not only ensure that the employees’ welfare is catered for but also plays a key role in the success of a company. Therefore, to Develop and plan effective employee compensation and benefits scheme, an organization ought to consider and integrate all factors that influence the company-internal and external factors. Organizations are motivated by other reasons apart from the legal obligation to adopt benefit plans. Managers use compensation and benefits schemes to motivate workers, increase productivity and to retain the employees...