Discrimination in The Workplace Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

workplace distractions as well as the interpersonal distractions among others. Therefore, active listening has various advantages because it implies that the listener is wholly engaged in the listening process and pays considerable attention to the spirit behind the spoken words as to their surface meaning. Active listening is essential for career success, organization effectiveness as well as worker satisfaction. Guffey and Loewy (2010) highlight that good listeners make good managers and that the best listeners are likely to advance more rapidly in their organizations. Notably, listening is particularly relevant to the workplace because employees spend a great deal of time doing it. On the job,...

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workplace relationship will also be positively affected, and the performance will be improved as employees will be energetic and stress-free in the morning because of the enough sleep and proper planning. The insights from the TV free week will illuminate on how to regulate and mitigate its negative effects. This will be more successful if each family takes the initiative and responsibility to actualize it to the letter and embracing the idea positively. Work Cited Brody, Gene H., Zolinda Stoneman, and Alice K. Sanders. "Effects of television viewing on family interactions: An observational study." Family Relations (1980):...

workplace. According to the article, close to one-fifth of the Americans are 65 and older, but working (Applewhite 1). The fraction represents productive and creative potential of the employees. The objective of the article is to assess the reason behind the inability of more than 1.5 million Americans, over 50-years-old, to find work in spite of having decades of life regarding productivity. According to the article, the critical issue is ageism (Applewhite 1). Ageism refers to the discrimination of individuals based on their age relating to the dumb and destructive obsession with the younger generation, thus, liable nature of experience. The article cites the illegality of the concept of ageism or...

workplace, and education. Further, she can also be affected through the living a low-quality life and decreased standards of living in the society (Sue 15). She also has to incur some other costs and energy in safeguarding an attack on her integrity and cultural identity. Why Microaggressions a Problem The microaggression is a problem because it presents several impacts that are detrimental to the victims and even the society as a whole. The problem with this act is that some are invisible and can only be noticed by their effects. In sum, microaggression is a problem because of it, for example, leads to reduced opportunities in education, psychological problems, social interaction drawbacks in the...

workplace. Therefore it means that even the vulgar tattoos will have to be accepted and this is not what an employer would want to portray to his or her customers. However, there are some companies around the world that allow tattoos and piercings as long as they are not offensive. Piercing can be authorized though not for every worker. Ear piercing is okay for the ladies, but the men should avoid piercing if they are to work in a professional organization that cares about their appearance to the clients (Miller 628). Some might argue that the tattoos can be covered by wearing certain types of clothes. I acknowledge this argument, but it does not apply everywhere. Most professional companies have...

workplace. The first difficulty is the unequal access to chances for development. The training and education programs offered in different workplaces are not accessible by the ethnic minorities. This, they cannot develop their skills to achieve maximum potential concerning the performance of various organizational tasks. Again, the ethnic minorities receive unclear information about the opportunities for training. Whenever the training opportunities arise in the workplace, the ethnic minorities do not obtain the clear information about the opportunities. Therefore, they are left misinformed about the programs. Similarly, these workers are subjected to stereotyping. The ethnic minorities work under...

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workplace. At the time of its release, society was not as accommodating as it is today in matters of sexual orientation and life-threatening diseases. The following paper will highlight the issues that the play focuses on and how society treats real life individuals who are represented in the play. After reading the play and watching the mini-series, I was filled with a profound sense of anguish, pity, and sadness. The biggest of the three emotions was anguish. I felt annoyed that characters such as Roy Cohn exist in real life. He represents a particular group of individuals who believe they are above everyone else. To him and people like him, some lifestyles such as gayism are responsible for...

workplace, based on the results of Bowles et al. (2007) experiments, the society expects a woman to behave in a friendly and soft manner when relating with others. Otherwise, during a recruitment process, a woman may not be considered for a job position, and if already employed, she would incur huge social...

  • Words: 275
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workplace have been associated with sexual harassment and especially when power is an antecedent factor. The society allows hegemonic masculinity, which is situated with particular normative behavior; hence, some men are vulnerable to harassment if they are thought to be feminine, and the gay community is a good example. Poor gender relations in the workplace tends to thwart progress because a woman who challenges a fellow man counterpart might a target of sexual harassment. Therefore, women might become reserved and disregard getting actively involved in the workplace’s affairs. Instead of concentrating on achieving organizational goals and objectives, men often turn the workplace into a political...