Defining The Concept of Self Essay Samples and Topic Ideas



self as it causes pain to the one suffering. Health practitioners refer to the condition as clinical depression or depressive disorder, and most victims need treatment to recuperate. There are different forms of depression depending on the extent to which a person is troubled. A major depression is an episodic disorder where the victim displays severe symptoms that end up interfering with the ability to work, eat, study or enjoy life. It can occur once in a lifetime or momentarily. Whenever the mood lasts longer than two years, then the person is said to suffer a persistent depressive disorder. In most cases, this develops from unique circumstances and for many episodes coupled with periods of...

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Self-Determination theory, by which the most significant theories of human motivation. Both inspired to unravel the perennial task of human being that concerns motivation as a unitary phenomenon. In their research, they have added that the individuality and their differences support the fulfillment of basic human needs in facilitating the process of natural growth and that includes “intrinsically motivated behavior and integration of extrinsic motivations.” Understanding the theory, Self-determination Theory will provide a factual argument on how people develop a stronger needs or motivation than the others. Therefore, the context of the theory may focus on the individual's differences and...

self-care through the structural model. Results Through the structural model implemented, the older women were able to come up with ways on how to deal with the disease and how they could articulate self-care skills. It was discovered that a bigger percentage was with unclear information on how to deal with symptoms of diabetes. The research concentrated mainly on those ailing from Type 2 diabetes. Limitation of Study The model used was used to acquiring information on symptoms and self-care measures being taken by the old African American women. The study requires further research into understanding the causes of diabetes among the women and how diabetes can be curbed down to reduce the number...

self in a dysfunctional family which sums up the curse in her life. On the other hand, the family’s culture and traditions are a blessing to Josephine. By learning and understanding the family’s culture and traditions, Josephine is able to accommodate and appreciate the different beliefs held both by her mother and grandmother. In this regard, she finally understands her role in the family. She understands that she is the one that should be the person to unite her family. This is evident when she remarks, "…will sit between them and be a link and I'll fight with all my might to see that nothing tears my family unit apart" (Marchetta 260). With the understanding of her culture and...

self-interest, and no one can force another person to conduct any community-related activity. With the current rise in the population of the elderly individuals in the society, the public needs to be enlightened on certain complexities that may come with aging. In this case, Alzheimer’s disease is the most common problem that the elderly people are likely to face and the society should be encouraged to help these older people and not neglect them (Gaugler, Yu, Davila & Shippee, 2014). Through the Alzheimer’s walk, the society is likely to make contributions that will support the elderly. From these contributions from the Alzheimer’s walk, the community may construct homes for the elderly...

self-expression take in the performance. Despite these different conflicts within the song being part of the entertainment, It implies that there is a corruption of the entire community. Works Cited Hardesty, Jacob. "Moral Outrage and Musical Corruption: White Educators' Responses to the "Jazz Problem."" History of Education Quarterly 56.4 (2016): 590-617. Evans, Nicholas M. Writing Jazz: Race, nationalism, and modern culture in the 1920s. Routledge,...

self-worth with sexuality; she sarcastically suggested ‘unconditional surgical destruction of virginity throughout the female population at puberty. There are several themes that surfaced in Mina’s Feminist Manifesto: modernism, sexual, emotional liberty and self-ownership, love and self-respect (Schalm, 4). Through these themes, Mina sought to expose and depict the plight of women back then 1960s. As such, thematic core message and impact in her Feminist Manifesto were focused on and aimed at destroying all institutions that gave women the second place or make women unequal to men. In Feminist Manifesto, Mina used the tone of sarcasm where she stated: “men and women are enemies, with the...

self-esteem and this can lead to harms such as negative behavior, suicidal as well as risk taking habits. Clinically and in the social work settings, we need to develop strategies on how to deal with people who possess the transgender pattern of behavior. For instance, having men employees or work mates who desire to dress to look like their female counterparts needs first to be appreciated to avoid loss of self-esteem and after that advised on how to change the habit. How employers and fellow employees handle these groups of people is important because this determines the reaction behavior of the person concerned. In terms of treatment in the work settings, clinicians are required to focus on the...

self-centeredness characterizes the society. Healthy and Unhealthy Self-love The article addresses self-love (narcissism) breaking it down into healthy and unhealthy self-centeredness. While self-love is important for the growth of an individual, excess of it has detrimental effects on affected persons and those around them. A step by step practice is provided to identify excessive narcissism. An individual lacking self-love is likely to suffer from esteem issues. A given amount of self-interest is thus necessary to act as a drive towards achieving success. I, therefore, agree with the author’s opinion that full blown narcissists create havoc and misery to those around them. A high degree of...

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self starts immediately he experiences the first mediation. In this meditation, he adopts skepticism after accepting that he had to start all over again and avoid the belief that everything is indubitable and certain (Descartes 2). But in his dreams, he has more than convinced himself that he experiences a half-life. From doubting his very existence to the imagining of the unreal world, the book reveals how Descartes comes to believe he doubts everything. Descartes believes in his perception of self-proclaimed truths including simple numbers and shapes. His idea of existence revolved around what is tangible and proven (4). He thinks that it is only the certainty that can establish the truth and...

  • Words: 550
  • Pages: 2
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