Cultural Competence in Nursing Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Nursing Institution Student’s Name Date Mental Health Care Nursing Mostly, the results of a process have less significant compared to the real procedures that were utilized to arrive at the said results. In particular, individuals suffered or will suffer from mental illness. However, millions of these individuals don't get the necessary help they need just because of lack of access to a developed and quality care. For many decades, almost every part of the world used a biomedical model of medicine (BMM), where this model only focused on physical process and completely ignoring the other social factors together with the individual subjectivity. However, due to the introduction of new...

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Nursing Technologies Introduction Nowadays, the utilization of technology has increased service delivery in the nursing sector. The healthcare sector has experienced numerous advancements as a result of technology. The technology has enhanced the use of the internet technology through mobile devices as well as the computer systems. However, the advancement in the wireless technology has improved service delivery regardless of the distance. The issue of technology has yet led to the introduction of the system security threats that interfere with system integrity. It is, therefore, crucial to consider the security approaches that can enhance the integrity and the availability of the information...

Nursing Administration between the year 1981 and 1984 ("Ruth W. Brinkley - Executive Bio, Compensation History, and Contacts - Equilar Atlas," n.d.). Gender parity The healthcare industry is endowed with more female workers than the male. Statistics indicate that almost seventy-six percent of healthcare givers are females, therefore, implying that male caregivers constitute about a quarter of the workforce. Further research shows that female health personnel constitute about ninety percent of the staff attending to patients at home. Shockingly, women constitute the largest portion of healthcare personnel, but the opposite sex dominates decision making. There is no gender balance in the healthcare...

Nursing requires a strong stomach and the ability to work through any medical situation. These facts go for all nurses, but especially those in Saudi Arabia. Most nurses are female, but this is not always the case in Saudi Arabia (Al‐Ahmadi, 2002). The environment in a hospital creates a division of labor and tension that link to patient safety (Platis et al, 2015). The article by Lu et al, (2012) shows that performance slows down because of nursing shortages and it happens, whether the location is Saudi or China. This has to do with job satisfaction in working conditions, role conflict, job stress, role perception, and professional commitment. When it comes to the effect of satisfaction with...



Nursing (2016): 1043659616676318. Keywords: Male nurses, nursing experiences I chose the book because there are numerous examples of the male gender aspects of the nursing care practice environment. The author's main findings show that male nurses are better in coping with the workload in the health sector. They have an advantage in handling physical duty requirements. It is inclusive and accessible in the nursing websites besides the library. O'Connell, Christopher B. "Gender and the experience of moral distress in critical care nurses." Nursing ethics (2014): 0969733013513216. Keywords; gender, nursing experience, moral concerns, ethics This Journal explains the gender considerations of the...

Nursing may be considered to be the core of health and well-being of the population of the United States of America. The institutions and curriculum used should, therefore, prepare holistic professionals with capabilities and mastery of the nursing practices. Nursing research plays an essential part in this process and particularly for the Doctorate of Philosophy in Nursing (Ph.D.) Post Doctorate. The significance of this program is fundamental to, steward the discipline, educate the next generation, and develop the science. Mastering of in-depth knowledge is an essential element to ensure that nursing practices develop progressively. Over the years nursing practices have evolved to advanced levels...

Nursing, 2011). According to this message is that nurses have a great potential of transforming the health care system. Nurses have the capability of coming up with innovative strategies that can assist in making the healthcare system better than it is at the moment. The healthcare industry has not been maximizing the potential of nurses and therefore they have not been practicing to the full extent that they need to be. This situation is caused by various factors such as regulatory and policy barriers, a division of healthcare system, high rates of turnover, hardships in transforming from nursing to practice, aging workforce and many other challenges (Williams, 2016). Regulatory barriers that...

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Nursing and Health Care. New York, NY: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Skolnik, N. S. (2010). Electronic Medical Records: A Practical Guide for Primary Care. Berlin: Springer...

  • Words: 550
  • Pages: 2
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nursing professionals and allied healthcare professionals should be cautious in preventing medication errors in their clinical settings. Medication administration is a routine and common phenomenon in clinical practice. However, preoccupation and inability to recognize the prescribed medications and their respective dosing schedules are the major causes of medication errors. Different initiatives are implemented across clinical settings for preventing medication errors (Novak, 2012). Barcode medication administration is one such initiative that is implemented across different clinical settings for preventing medication errors. Almost 65.5% of U.S. hospitals have adopted the BCMA system. In...

nursing fraternity is significant to the health sectors and requires a formidable force exercise their practice. Various horizontal and vertical elements of management interact to ensure achievement of high levels of quality (Fagan, 2012). The medical staff requires to be led as a group but also need to have an internal principle that governs their course. One of the key leadership aspects requires that every individual plays their part without considering the actions of the other parties involved. According to Sullivan (2013), nurses need courage in dealing with current patients who are technology and information oriented. They must not feel intimidated by those who question their approaches in...