Creative and Critical Thinking Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Thinking 1. These papers exposed how the United States government operated in secrecy. As a result, Nixon tried to end the Vietnam War in 1969, but it was a slow progression. 2. The United States government did get a chance to stop the presses because the first part published before they knew about it. The fact that it was the first part of the Pentagon Papers gave them an opportunity to get a judicial injunction for the rest. The Times appealed the injunction and won. 3. Demonstrating reasoned Judgement A. the most crucial part is verifying the accuracy of the information. When verified, the press is obligated to print this information. The public needs to be informed. The Freedom of the...

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thinking to collect information and analyzing it before reaching a conclusion. The same can be seen in the case of Lance Armstrong and his cycling teammates who actively engaged in doping that violated the principles of competitive cycling (Robbins & Judge, 2015). Therefore, ethics is all about critical thinking and evaluation. Part A. Section I. The decision on whether or not to come clean after an unethical conduct is based on a range of factors. The same is true for Lance Armstrong’s teammates who blew the whistle on systematic doping within professional cycling (Parboteeah & Cullen, 2013). Firstly, the sense of right and wrong may have played a part whereby having engaged in an...

thinking skills before committing to a specific task. I feel such judgmental and leadership skills are extremely necessary for pursuing research in Health Services. Ms. Zhao Pujing also exhibited exceptional curiosity in mathematical and statistical skills. Such skills were evident while she disseminated the results of the systematic review. She could appraise the different statistical tests of inference and appropriately identified the elements of subjective bias associated with different studies. I strongly feel that Ms. Zhao Pujing would be competent in implementing different statistical software packages for her research activities. Ms. Zhao Pujing exhibited great teamwork and always...

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thinking. However, it contains several flaws. The flaws include the use of collectivist minds, political bands; all men were created equally and the rights endowed by the states. Therefore, it should be utilized as a kind of biblical reference and not entirely as an optimal statement of principles. Works Cited St. George, Judith and Will Hillenbrand. The Journey Of The One And Only Declaration Of Independence. New York, Philomel Books, 2005,. Agel, Jerome and Mort Gerberg. The U.S. Declaration Of Independence For Everyone. New York, Perigee Book, 2001,. Kirszner, Laurie G and Stephen R Mandell. Practical Argument. Tsesis, Alexander. For Liberty And Equality. New York, Oxford University Press,...

thinking techniques for my team to ensure that logical decisions are maintained. (Lichtenstein, 2012) In interpersonal relationships, I have a profound desire for loyalty. This means that I expect a team member to place the interests of the other groups’ members at an equal position with their own and above the interests of other teams. I, therefore, expect a member to share ideas internally before giving them to other groups. This will make everyone responsible for the performance of the team and ensure that members bring out all the secrets towards the achievement of a goal and therefore will increase the performance of a group. The aspect of engagement means that everyone in the team will...

thinking. A comparison of the essays that I wrote before going through this course and those that I have written while undertaking this course showcase a growth in my creativity and skills as a writer. This essay provides a reflection of the improvement in my writing skills and the general growth that can be seen in my essays in terms of creativity, critical thinking and other writing skills that I have developed over the course of the semester. Before beginning any essay, I usually take a few minute to conceptualize the topic and critically think about what I want to write followed by a short outline of what I want to write about in each paragraph. In the essays that I have written this semester, I...

and Problem Solving Fall 2016-2017 Section XXX Name: ID: Major: Assignment 4: Compare and Contrast Two-Argument Essays Introduction The smoking ban is a strategy designed to prohibit smoking of cigarette and other tobacco products in public places, for instance, malls, learning places, recreational places, and amongst others. This analysis breaks down the arguments on either side of the issue, and later provides a succinct summary of the topic by looking into both the comparisons and contrasts of the two essays. Arguments against Banning Smoking Smoking areas are set aside in public places for smokers to enjoy their moments, and nonsmokers should contend with the wider nonsmoking world...

thinking from me. When I was young, I lived with my grandfather who always told me captivating stories about his days in the military. My grandfather was a captain in the Navy and served in many countries including Vietnam and Iraq. He won many accolades for his dedicated service to the nation. As he narrated his experience with the military, my grandfather always challenged me to join the army when I grow up. Naturally, I have always had the ambition of pursuing a career in the military. Although I shared my military dream with my parents many times, they have always objected to the idea of their only child joining the army. As such, when I graduated from high school a few months ago, I had a...

and the military capacity of the nation. However, this argument is insufficient. The value assumption is flawed. The argument presupposes that all nations value security over sovereignty. This may not necessarily be true. In the case of Iraq, the invasion of the US was uninvited, and the nation would have preferred to handle its issue as a sovereign entity. The evidence given suggests that the US had no option but to participate after the United Nations failed.This fallacy posits that the United Nations and the United States are similar entities and alternatives to each other. Assuming that the failures of the United Nations call for action by the United States is inaccurate. Significant information...

and severe overwork that if they go unchecked; they result in psychological burnout and stress-induced depression ultimately causing the mental breakdown. Question 10: Post hoc fallacy Question 11: Virginia could have considered suicide as she felt the need to relieve her immediate relatives the burden, hardships, time employed and high costs they incurred while taking care of her. Question 12: Causal oversimplification fallacy Question 13: The heart and lung trouble were as a result of medical conditions with effects on the lungs and pulmonary vascular such as cancer, asthma, chronic bronchitis, Pulmonary arterial hypertension and Pulmonary embolism. Question 14: Deceptive. Question 15:...