Creative and Critical Thinking Essay Samples and Topic Ideas



thinking includes an attempt of identifying the common patterns, gauging the average and typical then formulating general rules. Generalization is a necessity in an argument since it is informal and thus presumes that a number of examples can be applied more commonly. Consequently, generalization is said to be part of the inductive argument and on certain occasions are interpreted into more general ideologies. Notably, public opinions and surveys can be categorized as a generalization as they judge what a group of individuals think on the basis of small representatives who take part in the interviews. Casual arguments are part of inductive arguments but they focus on a conclusion based on a...

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and violence thus teens need to be protected from its depravity. In her article, Gurdon laments that while today’s crop of trauma may validate teens’ experience, books focusing on pathologies might aid to normalize teenagers in cases of self-harm. On the other hand, Elizabeth Williams contradicts Gurdon’s way of reasoning. She defends her views in such that while protecting teens from the depravity of the literature, we will be shutting them off from difficult events and filling in the relative safety and profound comfort of the literature (William 1). She later says that this act will render the teens to be ignorant and obliterate them from knowing the transformative powers of...

thinking skills while offering an avenue for knowing particular things. That is, it is involved with logic, metaphysics, and ethics amongst others. Some fields provide knowledge while others impart skills. In The Apology, Socrates asserts that the accusations arise from years of pent-up resentment that created a prejudicial perception of whom he was. He seeks to illuminate the actual meaning of the Oracle for the jury. This is in a bid to trigger them to view the accusations critically. As such, he seeks to impress on them that he would rather be himself and not an impostor. Also, he argues before them that he is simply like a gadfly that prevents the horse from falling asleep. His acts are simply...

thinking in their interactions with the clients. They take up the challenge through offering the best guidance which makes the clients satisfied with the services they are given. Such situations tend to raise the alarm on the role of ethics in the sector. Health professions are called to perform ethically in their duties through principles such as utilitarianism. Such a principle assists them to overcome the dilemmas they face. The paper focuses on the ethical measures in the healthcare sector as well as the procedures taken in cases considered dilemmatic. Keywords: Healthcare, ethical issues, healthcare providers Ethics in Healthcare Aita, M., & Richer, M. C. (2013). Essentials of research...

  • Words: 550
  • Pages: 2
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and kindness as its counter. The queen metes numerous acts of the wickedness on Snow White who in turn remains relentless in her kindness. Finally, the kindness showed by the young girl and the other characters in the tale triumph over evil. The queen finally pays for what she has done to Snow White with her life. Therefore, the story contains an important lesson to the readers that they should always strive for kindness and desist from indulging in wicked ways. While kindness may be faced with rejection, negativity or plans in one's life, it will always prevail over all wickedness. Therefore through the theme of kindness, the fairy tale captures an important lesson, which is a central purpose for...

and doing other social activities so that the child can develop social skills. These are the practices recommended for positive growth of the children. Works Cited Livingstone, Sonia. Television Advertising Of Food And Drink Products To Children. London: N.p., 2006. Print. Research Annexes 9-11. Huesmann, L. Rowell et al. "Longitudinal Relations Between Children's Exposure To TV Violence And Their Aggressive And Violent Behavior In Young Adulthood: 1977-1992.". Developmental Psychology 39.2 (2003): 202-25....

thinking, the police must first protect their lives so that they can protect the lives of other people. As such if the life of police is endangered by the next party such as armed criminal, then she/he has the discrete to protect his/her life from the situation. This discussion proves that the use of discretion within the parameters of the law is allowed and that the police officers have the authority to use their critical thinking in analyzing the situation before deciding any action. It is however learned that pressures from the police department, personal interests, and certain policies have tended to compromise the idea of discretion and also compromised the entire justice system. Even though...

thinking, uplifting teamwork, and excellence in various fields. The most outstanding role of the university is its ability to promote business. It gives business students platform to study and learn more from the successful business persons. The University’s proximity to the Wall Street is a significant step towards uplifting the students since they can undertake some financial courses at the location. It is prudent to understand that the rigorous studies have improved the student’s confidence and knowledge in their respective disciplines. The innovation and adoption of dynamic technological aspects improve the student’s scope of knowledge. The institution serves to act as a significant step...

and evaluation. Thus, in the case of irrelevant ideology by the Director, the self-mind should revoke the trust on information without solid evidence. Moreover, the self-reasoning researcher should consider the repercussions of the directors’ information. A final finding in this context of director’ message validity is the self-independent individual looking at the relevance of the idea, the consequences of the notion, and the trustworthiness of the concept. Question 2 What are some reasons that looking at the *creation process* invalidated the Internet Troll’s message? The creation process requires reliability on a research topic regarding the previous reviews and investigations approved...



Thinking (Author’s Name) (Institutional Affiliation) Abstract The physical movement of students has a direct connection with critical thinking abilities. The evidence of mind-body links will analyze the links between the mind and the human brain as it is scattered with various proposals during the past eras. Anatomical evidence will highlight on the brain and which part is associated with controlling the cerebellum. The cognitive evidence highlights the importance of physical movement to the learning process. Secondly, functional evidence highlights on the improvements in patterns of gene expressions that enhance encoding and transfer of data factors and how they facilitate the learning...