Context Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

context, we will explore in depth why capital punishment is favorable and as opposed to other kinds of sentences. Most of the crimes that befit capital crimes are often associated with treason, terrorism, rape and serial killing. Criminals who commit this kind of acts have mastered the art and cannot be able to change their character as easily as we may like to think. They have taken years to develop the evil mind that drives them to commit such atrocities. Punishing them with simple sentences such us several years in maximum prison will not be able to change them. Or prevent them from committing another crime like that. Thus ending their life is the only way to contain them. Another reason for...

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context and disclosing all assumptions used so as to increase its transferability. Thirdly, the researcher improves the dependability of the study by creating hypothetical conclusions about the outcome the study (Trochim, 2006). Finally, to improve reliability and validity under qualitative study, the researcher has to improve the confirmability of the study by documenting procedures for checking data used in the study. On the other hand, quantitative researchers argue that to improve reliability and validity of the research, one needs to focus on improving the internal and external validity, reliability and the objectivity of the study (Trochim, 2006). References Trochim, W. M. K. (2006)....

context. Administration & Society, 49(8),...



context of life in upcountry. Guy brings about time setting of the event taking place early in the morning. The description given indicates the two; mothers and daughter were walking to go and milk the cows, an activity that takes place in the morning or evening. The setting in this story reminds one of the late 18th centuries where only a few individuals owned vehicles, in this case, Mr. Polyte, the career man. Confessing features a lot of themes. To begin with, the theme of love is depicted between Celeste and Polyte. Guy creates a vivid impression of the two lovebirds enjoying themselves in the car during market days. These were the days when Celeste could take their supplies of milk and other...

context. And as a result, I consider myself as a person of great character. I celebrate differences in opinion in regards to other people’s background, culture among others I also embrace all ethnicities. Throughout my education life, I have cultivated a positive attitude toward everything. This comes in handy when communicating with people from different cultures. I also engage in things I enjoy doing. Enrolling as well as excelling in different extra-curricular activities has greatly enhanced my ability to be an active member of my school and community as well. Being active and reaching out all who are in need to provide aid has reinforced my motivation to take time of my life to make other...

context of both definitions as because Jesus’s teachings are more divine while Socrates considers the human a simple creature trying to grow as an ethical, just, and moral entity. The first image of Buddha’s footprints with a Dharmachakra on each foot represents his purity with Triatna emblem on the heel portraying refute while the hand gestures convey respect and greeting. The second image portrays a more natural form of humans depicting temptation and distraction by Mara demon in the form of glory and pleasure. The image on page 213 imitates a character that listens to the agonies and distress of the world with its many ears and fosters to moral transformation. The last image interprets the...

context, Walcott takes up the postcolonial poetics of affliction he condemned, dramatizing the wounded body of Caribbean history using the physical body of Philoctetes, injured by a rusted anchor. The glimpse of light is shed when the Philoctetes pain undergoes treatment by the combination of ‘Sibyl’ and ‘Obeah woman’ Ma Kilman illustrating the joining of Greece, Africa, and the Caribbean against colonization. Philoctetes un-healing wound, his physical body anguish, and anger of his celebrated West Indian counterparts articulate the theme of Caribbean suffering and anti-colonialism. It is evident that Walcott capitalizes on using Philoctetes condition to keep the ironies in the passage...

context of neighborhood disadvantage. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. Vol.36 (6): 887-901....

Context; Fake And Accurate Elements In The Film Like any other film, the names of the characters starring in the film were not the real name of the American senators and leaders who were present at the time of the film release, 1962. The need to create an abstract name for the leaders to depict the challenges that the American governance was facing was also not consistent in the film, though there was close relevance that could provide a pointer to the leaders that the film inferred. For instance, the senator from North Dakota, Hanson, was commonly depicted to be from South Dakota. Moreover, the film identified the senators and the leaders to be either affiliated with the majority party or the...

context shows the readers that it dissolves selfishness, and attracts rewards in most cases. Finally, the marriage of the prince and Snow White shows the ultimate reward of kindness. While all through the book, wickedness seems to be dominating kindness, this act shows how kindness eventually gets over all acts of wickedness. The marriage between the prince who now becomes King and Snow White, the queen, shows that kindness pays. When Snow White's wicked step-mother comes attends the wedding she is made to dance in red-hot iron shoes until she drops down dead (Hallett & Karasek N.p). The demise of the wicked queen shows that wickedness will always have its punishment while kindness will have the...