Context Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Health Care


context is the high rates of incarcerating black people for drug use, than their white counterparts. Thirdly, the under-enforcement of law can contribute to the health outcomes of the society, with an illustration being under-enforced housing regulations for safe, clean and quiet homes. Finally, the law in an instrument to direct the health, harming social needs of the population that include poverty, disease, market conditions in addition to the behavior of individual members of the population. The significance of law as a social determinant lies in the historical laws and practices that led to widespread social segregation with modern-day implications as individual and institution level....

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context in which the play was written. The Doctor is dressed in a suit jacket, a tie, and with spectacles on. However, the play thus displays the Doctor as an outstanding character noticeably different from Everyman, devine figures, as well as allegorical figures. The play thus displays the Doctor as a figure isolated from the play world. There is more alignment between him and the audience in comparison with other characters in the play. He does not interact directly with any other character. The Director therefore wanted to use him to present a trustworthy and erudite figure which would guide viewers through the play (Cawley and Arthur, 381)). I strongly feel that Everyman is a play which is still...

context includes fresh investigations of the death in which the writer highlights the fact that the associated investigators were attempting to re-enact the suicide to comprehend the logic behind it. The use of informal and simple language implies that the target audience is the general public or rather anyone else interested in knowing about the case regarding the events that led to Josh’s death and the associated investigations. She assumes a personal tone in the article as if she is communicating directly with the audience. Also, most of the sentences are short. The use of vivid description, and the rhetorical appeals of logos, pathos, and ethos, contribute to the writer’s goal of informing...

context. Computers translate sentences word-to-word, which sometimes makes it hard to understand the original meaning of this sentence. It is possible to get a vague translation, but without knowing small details that people usually find out in the process of learning a language, it will be hard to understand a language, especially from the mouth of a native speaker. What is more, learning a foreign language can make you more aware of a culture of this language and unique features of the natives. Culture is an essential part of every country’s history. As the country has been developing, the language and the culture have been evolving along with it. Sure, maybe shortly, people will find a way to...

context gets applied when students are answering scientific questions, either by writing or orally. This framework, as established, is aimed at helping students to present their explanations more cohesively, with the incorporation of the three mentioned aspects. Claim, as one of the components in this framework, is a statement or assert that gives an answer to the original question, and scientists argue that is the most straightforward part of an explanation. Besides, the claim is open to scrutiny and criticizing. On the other hand, the evidence is used to support the claim presented before. Such evidence is obtained from the experiments and investigations carried out, as well as other sources such...

context upon which the individuals have based their perception of distinction. On the other hand, sense of identity is associated with the worldview or cosmology. People’s identities are therefore products of their social environments. The Caribbean identity is a source of debate with the proponents pointing out to the shared historical past and various institutions such as religion as the basis of their argument (Mintz and Price, 1985). On the other hand, the critics of the perspective outline diversity as a point that cannot make the region to have a single identity. This essay discusses the importance of the Caribbean identity to various territories and individuals in the region using a case of...

context has committed to raising the minimum wage for its workers but as an economist, the step is not feasible. The minimum wage for the workers is set by analysis of several factors in the region and the micro-environment in which the worker is delivering the services. The theory which best suits the discussion is the economic theory of minimum wage. The theory argues that the least wage payable to workers is proportional to the monetary impacts of the government policies and federal regulations. The minimum wage affects the income of the nation and its citizens (Lee 2012). The least payable wage should be able to maintain the standard of living of the citizens and minimize the national debts. The...



context, the purpose of Gladwell's blink moments, nudge moment and system 1 and system 2 helps in explaining how an individual makes a decision depending on the situation. In all the cases, one's judgment is based on the condition that lies in front of him or her. System 1 refers to the system of the mind that operates faster and automatically with no or little effort without the sense of deliberate control.System 2 involves the attention being allocated to the mental activities which demand it. The events include complex computations with system 2 operating in association with the individual’s experience of choice, concentration, and agency (Kahneman & Tversky, 21). According to Kahneman and...

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