Confidentiality Essay Samples and Topic Ideas



confidentiality, integrity, and availability of certain health information that is held or transferred in electronic form” (OCR 1). This protected information record is referred to as e-PHI, i.e., electronic protected health information. This privacy rule applies to healthcare providers, health plans, and healthcare clearinghouses (OCR 3). Implementing HIPAA compliance has made the process of research difficult in the healthcare sector. E.g., researchers can only carry out research based on chart data, when the patient gives permission to use the information. This deters the patients from benefiting from timely and cost-effective research. Additionally, this has contributed to increases in costs...

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confidentiality principles and therefore she feels that her secrets will be guarded. Although her intention was to stay for a single visit, she agrees to turn up for a future visit in the coming Tuesday in which she can continue to evaluate her relationship with the Husband. Case II CP received a middle-aged man who had left the hospital's alcoholism program after approximately four weeks. The client left the alcoholic program because he did not think he can be as successful as others in the group. After four sober days, he relapsed and begun drinking again. The patient has become agitated and angry and he feels that he is useless and beyond help. He is also anxious about the certainty of his job...

Confidentiality Occupational therapists are obliged to treat clients according to their desires and within the accepted standards as to protect their confidential information. Includes allowing the patients to self-advocate and providing them with important information such as why they should attend gym classes rather than attending special education classes (Sandstrom et al. 78). 4. Social Justice, Advocates for the provision of therapy services that are beneficial to the society. Includes educating clients on how to spend less on therapy and educating them on how the therapy gets reimbursed by an insurance provider (Sandstrom et al. 78). 5. Procedural Justice Stipulates that occupational...

confidentiality may occur when the organ is donated or transplanted in another individual. Another issue that may arise is in a case where the patient may not be mentally and physically fit to make informed consent have their stem cells harvested for regeneration. Lack of proper permission from the donor or patient can lead to numerous lawsuits due to a breach of biomedical ethics and practice. Work Cited Dybuncio, Monica. “Cancer Patient Receives Stem Cell-Made Windpipe, First In U.S.” Cbsnews.Com, 2012,...

Confidentiality is among the moral principles in medical care which are associated with the disclosure of patient information. It is ethical to respect the rights of patients in making decisions unless they are incompetent. The family gets the right to make a decision when a patient exhibits incompetency (Grady, 2015). The analysis puts into view the considerations that may apply to a medical practitioner on the disclosure of patient information and competency. It is important to note that confidentiality is a right of all patients and that it serves as a tool that builds trust between a medical practitioner and a patient. Being a right, it is unethical for medical practitioners to disclose...

confidentiality of other users and avoid hacking or identity theft. Professional ethics makes one focused on the job and only do the right thing that is necessary.   ReferencesDodig-Crnkovic, G. (2004). On The Importance Of Teaching Professional Ethics To Computer Science Students. In Computing and Philosophy Conference,...

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  • Pages: 2
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confidentiality, maintained. It's ePHI must be protected against any anticipated threats The entities working team must adhere and comply with all the set HIPAA Security Rule. It also has flexible approaches that allow the covered organization to implement any security measures that can adequately lead to it implementing and the set standards and specifications. Also, an entity must comply with all the set standards and lastly, the entity must ensure it has implemented all the set standards as required. HIPAA regulation approach Its regulation method involves making sure that all entities that are being covered have all complied with the requirements. Implementation of the system is done after...

Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability) that provide a secure policy that limits accessibility to data sources that hold private health data for a hospital’s customers. It must require employees to use a two-step method for validating a user identity in order to access this data. In this case, extra attention to how the data is extrapolated is also crucial. Next, the security consistency is critical in the prevention of future breaches by attaching file protection and user access protocols to maintain the integrity of these files that contain PHI (Private Health Information). Third, is the frequent maintenance of both hardware and software platforms within the hospital systems in order to...

Date Ethics


confidentiality to their phone calls. However, this rule is not applicable to the employee’s use of the internet. Efficient and ethically acceptable working environment should uphold ethical practices by having mutual reinforcing rules. The rules and regulations should govern all the employees without favoring any employee. The principles of managers and all other employees should be consistency to all the staff. Rules are made to safeguard the well-being of employees hence should be reinforced equally. Brock went against the company’s drug-free rule, and he is punishable by the laws governing the firm. On this situation reconsidering the type of punishment to be enforced to Brock will be...