Commission Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Commission of Equal Employment Opportunity has indicated that it receives more than 13,000 complaints of sexual harassment at the workplace. Interestingly, men claimed that more than 50% of their harassers were female, illustrating the changing traits between genders as opposed to occurrences in the past. States have been keen to enact punitive laws against the vice to discourage the vice in their states. California, Oregon, Massachusetts, and Colorado are some of the states which have adopted extremely punitive laws against sexual harassment in the USA (Hunt 11). The essay evaluates the application of sexual harassment laws in California, especially considering the USA Gymnast v. Karolyis sexual...

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commission. Additionally, the two nations base their sentences on the intensity of offense committed. The U.S. and Canadian differ on the responsibility of governmental agencies in federal and local level prison systems. For instance, the Canadian correctional facilities have two levels including provincial and federal (Public Safety Canada n.p). In contrast, the U.S. system has many levels including state, cities, federal and counties (Freedom House n.p). Additionally, the America’s 50 countries, their respective counties, and towns design their individual rules and regulations that guide how they run their prisons (Freedom House n.p). Canadian provincial government is responsible for overseeing...

Commission (2015) reveals that 7 out of 10 European Union industries present in China still perceive intellectual property as one of the biggest problems for the successful growth of their companies. Additionally, these organizations acknowledged the existence of hindrances to the effective protection of intellectual property, and there is still a lot that needs doing at the sub-central level. Chinese IPR policy has three mechanisms for enforcing IPR including criminal prosecution enforcement, administrative authority, and public activities for injunctive relief or monetary damages. The Chinese government and its representatives are solely responsible for ineffectiveness in fully enforcing IPR...

Commission par. 3). Additionally, if the employer proves that a mitigation measure is in place, then disability is out of the question. Fourthly, if an employer provides “accommodation but the individual is still unable to perform his or her duties,” an employer can justify his or her provision to terminate an individual’s employment (Employment Rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act par. 8). For example, if a person with diabetes and is injecting him/herself with insulin and he or she is not able to execute his responsibilities not affected by his condition, then an employer can terminate employment. Another reason that enables employers to violate the ADAAA is if they are able...

  • Words: 550
  • Pages: 2
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commissions, and financial rewards for outstanding performers over specific periods of time, that is, on the quarterly basis. Compensations for exceptional job performance included bonuses, commission, profit-sharing as well as gain sharing. On the other hand, group performance compensations were offered based on various factors such as job descriptions and paid structures. The ranking was done in all organizations with the notion that high-profile employees such as managers and directors deserved more pay as their roles duties and responsibilities were relatively more advanced. The ranking was done in these organizations to ensure standardized performance compensations for employees in similar ranks...

Commission (formerly JCAHO)(Schyve 2009). In conclusion, leaders gaining skills to transform a punitive culture to a “just culture” will benefit the healthcare sector and thus the change should be made as pleasant as possible for the employees to avoid much resistance. References Schyve, D.M. (2009). Leadership in healthcare organizations: A Guide to Joint Commission leadership standards. Retrieved from www.jointcommission.orgDiesing, G. (June 18, 2015). “Culture of Safety Lies in Nonpunitive Leadership Approach.” Retrieved from...

commission and omission. The commission error occurs where there is parallax while omission is when the spatial coverage excludes a feature altogether. The central problems with the current spatial computing are an incomplete and conflicting presentation of features, and changing the representation of the dynamic phenomenon coupled with spatial vagueness. Further, there is the challenge of spatial cognition, localization, triangulation indoors. The solution to this, according to the article, would be to adopt a multi-resolution that does not eliminate other features and to focus on the main one. Further, to increase efficiency, the spatial observation must encompass the relationship between regions...

Commission for Human Rights to supply trucks, tents, food-packaging materials, and car accessories and spare parts. The car manufacturer, based on the character of his line of work and the specialty of the profession, will best deliver the trucks and the car accessories. However, the supplier is not in a position to supply tents or food-packaging sacks and will have to outsource from a third-party. Unbundling or le carte procurement approach is significant as it prompts need-matching. More clearly contract bundling may not match the needs of the buyer given the diversity of the requested products, goods, or service. Affects Small and Medium Enterprises Contract bundling comes from the realization...