Cities Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

cities. The other factor that affects the choice of the mode of transport is the level of comfort. A survey carried out by some scholars regarding this factor established that people prefer to use private cars. The participants of the study said that cars offer more comfort when compared to public transport means. A car offers a beautiful and cool interior that cannot be compared to buses or trains. Comfort also comes from controlling personal space in the car, turning on the radio when one pleases, sleeping in the car when tired and much more. It also means that individuals can enjoy a snack or make a phone call in the car without thinking that someone will judge them unlike in a bus or train....

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cities like Chicago (Winkler 14). The essay intends to conduct an in-depth analysis of the appropriate policies and approach that could be used to resolve the issue of gun control in the United States. Overview of Gun-Control Situation in the United States From a statistical perspective, the United States has approximately six times the number of gun homicide cases as compared to Canada and nearly sixteen times the case of Germany as stipulated by the Guardian on UN data. Also, the United States is extraordinarily considered to be the global leader in the rate of gun passion by civilians. It is clear that the restrictive and strict gun laws in other developed countries have assisted in reducing...

cities. The tour was directed by Paul Stancato basing it on the work of Rob Ashford’s Broadway. Similarly, a different touring of the show was opened in 2009 at the Walton Arts Center that continued to March 2010. Its terminal point was at the Shubert Theatre, having traveled throughout the US and Canada. The different local productions were in the form of theatrical musicals as compared to the cinematic categories. Similarly, the claim can be supported by the international performances that preferred theatrical method over the cinematic method. The King of Weddings renamed “El Rey de Bodas” opened in Madrid on 2007 featuring Naim Thomas as Robbie Hart, and Maria Virumbrales as Julia. In...

cities and second-tier cities in China, whereas 30% of houses cannot be sold out in third-tier cities due to oversupply. Additionally, the newly published policy made it difficult for SMEs to finance, for example, low credit resulted in low level of loans. This situation can be resolved through innovative financing solutions. The core module Advanced Corporate Finance and Fixed Income Analysis in your program would surely equip me with a comprehensive understanding to find out these solutions. My internships at CITIC Securities and HSBC were instrumental in the cultivation of my non-quantitative financial insights. I familiarized with market liquidity power, coupled with sentiment where I noted that...

cities began empowering public schools that provided education for the public. Numerous reformists such as the Horace Mann ensured that quality education was made available to all the citizens and the curriculum made to orient to the job market. Besides, religious indoctrination was removed from the public school curriculum and was substituted with the moral values indoctrination. The incorporation of the moral values indoctrination in the public school curriculum targeted the creation of a society that comprised of the like-minded citizens that can cope in an environment characterized by a divergent belief system. The redefining of the human rights and equality is another social event that can be...

Cities in a World Economy” indicates that the global growth in the world has led to the emergence of strong states of China, Brazil, India and many others. People indulge in all forms of labor to survive in the current harsh economic conditions. In the process of trying to fit in, a challenge for financial crisis arises. The article “Journal of World-Systems Research” provides a guide for solutions by using the transnational alternative policy groups. The groups are the major solutions to dealing with this global capitalism. The information from the three articles causes room for more discussions in an efforts to understand the needs and wants advocated in the new market. Summary of...

cities, federal and counties (Freedom House n.p). Additionally, the America’s 50 countries, their respective counties, and towns design their individual rules and regulations that guide how they run their prisons (Freedom House n.p). Canadian provincial government is responsible for overseeing all local jails and temporary lock-up facilities, and the country’s federal government controls all Federal, States, and prisoners on parole (Public Safety Canada n.p). Both countries’ federal government controls their respective medium, maximum and minimum security detention centers. In conclusion, Canada and America use imprisonment as a primary punishment or rehabilitation of criminal actions. While...

cities meted on the minority such as the Jews, Tutsi and Armenians illustrate the adverse impact of discrimination in the society. Prejudicial feelings in the society have led to the majority groups branding other as lazy while stereotyping intimate that others are inferior to others. Discriminatory behavior in the society has been depicted after ISIS and Boko Haram killed Christians in Asia and Africa respectively. Bogardus measure of social distance uses scores to identify social interactions in the society and divisions between races. The scale ensures that policymakers make sound decisions regarding social relations and solutions to divisions between ethnic groups. The importance of social...

cities had an opportunity to participate in the research giving the analysts a good chance to gather their information from all groups (Remler & Van Ryzin, 2015). This method was deemed fit to conduct the investigation because its simplicity and less time consuming because it does not involve further subdivisions of the data. The results of the research indicated that more than 90 % of the study participants agreed alcohol was the cause of violence in public entertainment precincts. More than half of the participants supported about all crime reduction strategies. This number is inclusive of the visitors to the places although most visitors did not support the earlier closing and restrictions...