Child of God Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

God and Christianity. The criticisms and thoughts of various thinkers and politicians sought to make a radical change in the Catholic Church. It tried to reform, modify Catholicism in order to return to primitive and purest Christianity.The reform meant the departure of the humanistic elements that intervened in the Church since medieval times. Several men got up to express their disagreement with the Catholic Church and their misdeeds, among them is Martin Luther, he was an Augustine Catholic theologian and friar who began and impulse the reform. He had another vision of how the Word of God should be preached, and I did not hesitate to expose his thoughts before the Catholic Church, who of course...

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GOD FROM THE CONCEPTION AND ORIGIN OF MAN Introduction The conception of man in Christianity made is based on the fact that God became a man through Him Son of Him Jesus Christ and assumes the sacrifice for the forgiveness of the sins of men, this being the historical and determining moment of Christianity. Another conception that Christianity has is that man is made in the image and likeness of God, the soul is immortal and the resurrection or eternal life is expected. While the Greeks believe in reincarnation, for them there is a cyclical process, a man after dying is reborn again with the same body and the same life they had. The Prometheus version, which tells us that man was molded from clay,...

God and the questioning of his existence Introduction. From the beginning of humanity, man has spent time thinking about the explanation of his existence not only the fact of how man was created, but also the explanation of why man is on earth what is the reason for his existence In this world few have been able to reach that explanation, but none has given results on what is the true reason for the existence of man in the face of the earth. Hundreds of men have asked themselves the same question again and again and continue to fall in the same void of their existence not to give a clear explanation to this. Developing. Existentialism tries to know what man is what makes it exist and being and...

God". The rights and duties of the whole human person, family life, the community life of society, international life, peace, justice. Even the liberation processes that are living in many villages. The Church mystical body of Christ The Church, in Scripture, is revealed to us as an assembly of faithful, congregatio fidelium, community of love, kingdom of Christ, wife of the lamb and body of Christ. The image of the mystical body is one of the central truths in Paul's letters. We are incorporated to Christ until Christ is all in all. Church-Encarnation. The words of the dogmatic constitution are words of caution. The fact is established, but the nature of this confessed analogy is not...

GOD ACCORDING TO SAN JUAN Introduction The Gospel of St. John, is one of the constituent canonical gospels of the New Testament. It stands out for stylistic and thematic differences, as well as for its chronological and topographic scheme with respect to the three synoptic gospels. John's Gospel revolves around a fundamental issue: Jesus is the envoy of God, his word par excellence, who came to this world to make us know the Father. He does not speak for himself, but "gives testimony" of the truth he heard of the Father (3. 11-13, 31-34). Developing His whole life is a revelation of the "glory" he received from his father's own before the creation of the world (17. 1-5)....

God another aspect that has been repeated throughout history has been that of the apparent incongruity that arises between the existence of evil and the supposed powers of divinities.  Epicurus, Hume, the marquis of Sade and a long etc. They have analyzed this situation, of full validity even today. The Christian religion, majority in the West and an important piece of our society, defends the idea that we live under the protection of an omnipotent and infinite good god. However, both virtues seem to fail in the face of the existence of evil, because if this is true, it should be relatively easy to find a solution, simply eliminating God the evil of the world.  On the one hand, we are opened by...

God or actions for demons prevail. Meanwhile, in the Arab world the dissection of corpses and experiments were practiced, supporting materialistic approaches for the explanation of health and disease, delivering important knowledge regarding its...

God for the sins committed by men, so they decided to make a moral reform similar to a cleaning of man through pain. The men paraded by whipping in the back as a sign of repentance. The dance of death emerged, in which young people and adults from different social and religious conditions danced around a skeleton that represented death. Medicine at that time, was based on Greek and Roman theories. These said the human body was made up of four substances called moods (liquids). These moods were: yellow bile, black, blood and phlegm and a perfect balance should be had to avoid different diseases. The doctors who were in charge of the sick who suffered from plague, applied bleeding and they used a...