Chemistry Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Chemistry, among a long list of more than one hundred food, the fruits of the forest appeared among the top ten that contribute the most antioxidants.  Let's bet, so, for strawberries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries.To avoid premature aging, we must direct nutritional therapy towards each cell of our body, paying special attention to those of the brain, since it is one of the organs that most accuse stress in our life. In this way, we will feel the passage of time as a privilege to enjoy and not as a weight to carry. How to add more antioxidants to the diet. Vitamin C, olive oil or chocolate are also good sources. Eat, once a day, forest fruits. In addition to its antioxidant capacity,...

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chemistry, and any other area where they allow automating a process and making it more efficient, and simple for the person who carries it out. The artificial intelligence article: The Fourth Industrial Revolution, published on the Internet Portal Insights and Noticas de Ayming Spain (2019), states that: “The evolution of technology has meant an impact on the development of AI systems. Internet and the digital age have redefined the industry and have resulted in the creation of jobs that did not exist before, such as: Application Developer, Social Network Administrator, YouTubers, etc. Manufacturing methods are constantly evolving and humans continue to adapt and evolve. At the gates of another...

chemistry containing alcohol, alters many types of cells in the body as mainly to the central nervous system. The central nervous system acts in the brain as a depressant when ingesting this type of drug in order to provide a feeling of relaxation and that is where the consumer perceives pleasant sensations, but varies, very soon you will know how alcohol influences the state in the stateIn the long and short term mood. We will know in themselves, why people frequently consume alcohol, their emotions and behaviors after having consumed this drug, how these drinks react in men and women and the main reasons why adolescents decide to drink alcohol. Depending on the type of drink you eat, you will...

chemistry with people with some type of disability, develop their mentality and put it in contact with art and culture. Especially the main axis, dance, while mentioning the assessing hygiene and health. Always be in tune with what we do, where it must be attacked, allowing the interpersonal relationship to be able to insert itself into the demanding society. The use of methodology and adequate tools for teaching dance, express to take firm steps and according to the disability presented by dance dancers, this is how to efficient and obtain improvement in the methodology used, as expressed by thededication plays a very important role, the passion with which it is delivered every day is...

chemistry is constituted to make us feel happy. There are times when demonstrating love for your partner with a simple kiss or hug, is much more effective than any word to recover all these hormones and feel in love again. The feelings of sadness are normal, and the best thing that can be done against them are the gestures of love and affection on the part of our partner, to reactivate the production of oxytocin and therefore of dopamine. Serotonin, in animals the dominant being and imposing it, brings with greater opportunities for mating and greater offspring, they dominate this neurotransmitter, in humans, the problem comes from the fact that the brain always wants more respect to obtain greater...

chemistry and knowledge of technical branches;The aristocratic contribution also highlighted its influence on science, improving the vision of society, in terms of man, culture and social philosophy in those who participated in this thought. The technical contributions were detailed in books, expanding their usefulness in future years, military art, mining, metallurgy, window and navigation were the main beneficiaries for the rise of discoveries in that field, to cite an example: in the agricultural fielddiscovered the devices that grind the grains that were previously crushed by humans;In navigation through candles, speed could be increased based on wind directionality;As for mining, metallurgy and...

chemistry. Diffuse contamination: it does not have a specific point of origin. The pollutant has been distributed in an area and moves through the earth, water or air and does not remain in one place. conclusion It is sad to know that in a short time so many types of pollution have developed that they could have previously prevented the following aspects to be carried out. The pollution has been restricted a lot in the months of March, April, May the waste is not present so that minerals resurface, vitamins that are intended for soil feeding and biological processes. This implies that if there is improvement in the regeneration of the different dwellings of the species progressively until the...