Care Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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care guidelines, support to those involved with steps for the affrontation of the crisis and the duel, and the management of emotions. In the case of the interveners who participated during and after the accident, with techniques and deactivation protocols. Psychoeducational guidelines Possible symptomatology. Physical sequelae (fractures, blows in specific areas of the brain, among others.) Anxiety. Insomnia. Posttraumatic stress. Duel for deceased companions. Social isolation. Intense fear or fear. Evolution of stress symptomatology. In the case of stress, it can evolve to acute stress or chronic stress. However, we hope that the symptomatology will begin to decrease the duration of...

care of your diet, do your best to sleep enough and avoid the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and drugs.  It is key, cultivate social and family relations before, during and after these processes. Professionals like DR. Richard Heaps, Clinical Psychologist and Melissa Brymer, director of the Disaster Programs of the National Stress Center of the University of Duke, recommend the following strategies to handle stress after a catastrophe: Stay in contact with family, friends and community:Do not get away from family, friends or important relationships and community, stay in communication, so you know what is happening, instead of continuing to worry.  Look for ways to connect that they require the...

care, work, etc. Lacking these physical and even emotional needs, places you in a vulnerable place to suffer poverty. Without a doubt, poverty is a problem that attentive especially against human rights and is reflected in the world in different ways. To mention an example, the United Nations mentions the population of Sub -Saharan Africa, who is today under the threshold of poverty. Other remarkable data mentioned by the United Nations (s/f): Some 783 million people live below the international poverty threshold, with $ 1.90 daily. In the world there are 122 women, between 25 and 34 years, living in extreme poverty for every 100 men of the same age group. High poverty rates are often found in...

care and food taking). Care of the area of any risk for decency, neatness or nature of the thing to remain away, distributed or reduced to acceptable levels by feeding business presidents (MC Donald’s). Detect essential control spotlights in the stage or stages where control is essential to stay away or do without risk or decrease it. In addition, at appetizing levels, for example, clean in the warehouse when in the distribution center where the assembly materials of cheese find.  Establish, in these nearly essential control controls, fundamental restrictions that differentiate the suitability of the prohibited nature to evade, eliminate or reduce the recognized hazards. APPLIMENT USED: The...

care of the environment, the improvement of the quality of housing, education, drinking water, food security, among others. And all these coordinates properly with health plans, can contribute to promoting behaviors and customs of health prevention and promotion.  Health promotion is essential to achieve a healthy lifestyle, you must raise aware. For health promotion, community participation is needed so that they can improve people's health conditions and thus obtain a better quality of life, for this people must raise a commitment to themselves and their community.  References  World Health Organization. (1986). Ottawa letter for health promotion. Recovered from: Marchiori, P. (s.F.). An...

care of the environment is a campaign that has been developed for several decades. However, this has been materializing and takes greater credibility is nothing more than with the help of technology by digitizing and/or virtualizing processes in organizations. Thus, the development of regulations is increasingly noticeable and the use of technological tools with ecological tilde, especially in telecommunications. Such is the case of the implementation of a virtual switchboard to minimize the negative impact on the environment. Because this promotes the necessary maximum levels of energy efficiency. A telephone switchboard was previously made up of an appliances of physical connections that demanded...

care of the story was a roller coaster of emotions and gives us a great message that is, that regardless of how ugly the situation we have in front of us cannot give up and we must continue fighting until we go forward. Personally, I really liked the story, but if I had written it, I would have made someone in the town managed to save it and that their journey would have been a teaching for the rest of the town because I did not like it in the way he died removing drift inI...