Candidate Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

candidate Carlos Mesa added 36.51% being discarded a second round. Moral Evos was the first indigenous president and that radically changed Bolivia to a better country in which his economy improved according to statistics in recent years, much of the population supported him. Evo Morales wanted to govern for the fourth time, but his mistake was to continue ruling in what citizens interpreted him as a dictator but not a Democrat. In 2005 he won the presidency with 54% of the votes, against the opponent Carlos Mesa who again on October 20, 2019. His first government was one of the best since he obtained in a short time good results in the economic aspect, Bolivia already became one of the countries...

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candidate in 1867 and 1871, but was defeated by Benito Juárez, he also overthrow the government twice; The first time was with the Noria Plan (political-military movement to avoid a re-election, directed by Porfirio Díaz) against the Benito Juárez government and the second time was with the Tuxtepec plan (with the objective of a dismissal) against the government of Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada. He won the elections and exercised power in the country from 1876 to 1911; He deployed the position of president of Mexico for seven times, this stage was known as "Porfiriato". The Porfiriato began with the victory of Porfirio Diaz and ends with him detono of the Mexican Revolution. The pillars of...

candidates are eliminated, since the Islamic nature of the nation cannot be questioned. From this period, the Islamic Republic of Iran has an Islamic Advisory Assembly that is the main body of the Legislative Power, but with a peculiar characteristic and that candidate who wants to appear to Parliament has to be selected by the Council of Guardians, whereAyatollah is the one that makes decisions. Only by changing the Constitution and eliminating the figure of the guide (Velayat and Faqih), could access will go to a true democracy. The 1979 Constitution was only renovated on one occasion, a few months before the death of Jomeini in 1989. The formal structure of state embodied was a mixture of the...

candidate for artist received a small assignment and was sent to study art in Paris. Had planned to move with Zola. He appeared before L’école des Beaux-Arts from Paris. However, your application was rejected. For that reason he began his artistic studies at the academic suisse.  THE CIRCLE OF ARTISTS  The academic suisse was a study where young art students could work with live models for a very modest monthly fee. There, Cézanne met painters like Camille Pissarro, Claude Monet and Auguste Renoir. His painting at this time was in a vein of unbridled and rude romanticism. In his pictures of the moment, Cézanne showed a predilection for the issues of violence or eroticism. He was completely...

candidate that will take its place, that a new theory appears In response of a crisis that needs to lead to a new world, this crisis happens in the face of the failure of a normal activity to solve a new problem, that is, given the appearance of a problem, the current paradigm has no answers and that is where a new Theory, but sometimes past theories becomes aborted that were not valid at that time because there was no crisis that made them a new paradigm, Scientists seek to adopt to the new paradigm with new tools and instruments that seek new places, as in the example of Galileo that with their new telescope I seek to perform it more breadally and that I get to look at the universe, this change of...

candidate for a new way of life under the appropriate conditions, only that perhaps we do not have the knowledge even to understand how these ways of life could be generated and under that unknown conditions could be specified. Similarly, life based on boron is based on the already known structures of biological utility macromolecules, however, it is unknown that structuring and complexity levels could surprise us the boron and the molecules of which it would be part, it is This is why the hypothesis is nonspecific in this aspect, since it gives the freedom of structure and order of life. Bibliography Voet d., Voet j. Biochemistry. 2006. Pan American Medical González...

candidate for actress has to decide whether to stay with the poor poet or with the true Duke, who sees her as a trophy, but a man who, with her money, would help her become an actress. The costume of this film, made by Catherine Martin, especially the one used by Nicole Kidman, is undoubtedly spectacular, has rhinestones, feathers, tight to the body, all with a touch of elegance, delicacy and eroticism that characterized MoulinRouge. The dancers' costumes were striking colors, corsets, prints, heel shoes and even boots, but never managed to overshadow the beauty of the outfits that were used by the protagonist. The dress of the men was very colorful, but not like that of the protagonist, Christian...