British Imperialism in India Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

India, and it was noted that the prevalence among women was 27% and that among men 16% CITATION Dav901 l 1033 (David Finkelhor, 1990). In economic abuse, an individual in an intimate relationship exercises control over the other partner’s access to resources. This limitation of access renders the victim dependent on the proprietor. There are various forms of economic abuse, for example, exploiting the economic disadvantages of the victim, blaming the victim for improper monetary management, threatening to move the spouse and or children out of the house without financial support and only providing money for sexual activity. These forms of economic abuse may eventually lead to divorce. For...

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India (Sahay, 2010). According to Archer, Hand, & Blair (2013), this posed health risks to the consumers as most of these bottling plants are obliged to use fresh water in their manufacturing process. Also, recent studies have pointed out that recurrent drinking of a soda can lead to dental health problems. The acids induced by the chlorinated water corrode the tooth enamel and consequently result in discoloration. In other cases, sugary contents that pose health risks can also be sold to people by these firms. Archer et al. (2015) contend that some sweetened soft drinks have significantly contributed to the rise of depression, obesity, and diabetic patients. In fact, a report released by Michael...

India.National Institute of Construction Management &...

India in 326 B.C.E (Ancient Civilizations, 2016). He defeated Porus who the Indian regional King at Jhelum river battle. In Indus, the newly acquired territory in India, Alexander nominated Peithon his office to rule as satrap while Porus continue ruling as the regional king. In reality, even though he dominated India his influence remained less in this region. Porus, the regional king, officially derived his leadership from the Macedonian king, Alexander though he essentially remained an independent leader. In short, Alexander did not have the required resources to hold India as he had done with Persian and Egyptian empire. Therefore, all trace of Alexander`s Macedonian power were cleared from...

India and Singapore can compete for global technological knowledge and work just like the industrialized states (Friedman, 2005). As a result, the world has become leveled “flat” since technological advancement has made more individuals worldwide to collaborate and compete in real time with one another on an equal footing than the past times through the utilization of computers, the internet, fiber-optic and teleconferencing (Friedman, 2005). He proceeds to discuss the forces that have made the world flat. He cites ten flatteners beginning with the age of creativity in which the fall of Berlin wall caused propagation of capitalism in which economy is directed by people’s interests and...

imperialism introduced rival methodologies to progress beneficial linear and dramatic transitions but static and counterproductive western cultures that that promote limitless but dynamic modernism. Boahen states that “the unsympathetic and uncomprehending imperialists shattered the idyllic world of colonial peoples leaving in its place turmoil, instability and uncertainty” (511). It means that in Africa, the imperialist established a new form of colonialism where they would continue ruling indirectly through mutual dependence between them and the host countries. The Africans were brainwashed with the belief that their traditional societies were entirely antithetical to modern tenets which made...

India. From the statistics, it illustrates the significant danger of encouraging air pollution in the atmosphere. The paper outlines the different causes of air pollution in the three countries and its effects such as depleting the ozone and causing the global warming effect. It discusses the health risk factors of air pollution such as cancer, kidney and liver damage, and chronic bronchitis. The paper analyzes the efforts employed by different health and environmental organizations in dealing with air pollution. For instance, it identifies the specific efforts of the WHO, WB, and EA in controlling air pollution, additionally, it provides the government intervention approach in dealing with the...

India and China. To date, tea has come to be one of the most highly consumed beverage worldwide falling second to water. In the world, tea has come to be loved by millions of people, especially the green tea that has a lot of benefits attributed to it (Monterey, n.p). Consequently, the three most common tea varieties include; the green tea, black and the Oolong. The only difference between the tea being the preparation process. Green tea is usually prepared from unfermented leaves. This type of tea contains a greater concentration of polyphenols which is a strong antioxidant. However, antioxidants are harmful to the body; allegedly they damage body compounds thus destroying the cell DNA and...