Board Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

board produced a report explaining the accounting indecencies comprehensively. Inappropriate accounting was determined to have occurred over the period of seven years, involving two ex-CEOs in the scandal together with Tanaka. The fact-finding report discovered that the CEOs failed to directly direct anyone to prepare the books but, instead, put an immense burden on junior staff and waited for the company’s corporate culture to bring out the outcomes they anticipated (Verschoor, 2015). Aside from these facts, it is important to identify a brief history and performance of the organization that relates to the accounting scandal. Toshiba Corporation tracks its origin in Japan to 1875 (Cavusgil, 2016)....

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board should focus on matters common to all parties. For example, they can counteract any bad publicity with issues of sex education, family planning, and abortion counseling offered by this particular center. In so doing, the donors will see a better side of the argument as noted under the utilitarian approach CITATION Sta13 l 1033 (Stanwick & Stanwick, 2013). The tactic resolves the issue of negative publicity for donors and the organization. On the other hand, NOHSE (2016) stipulates that there should be an amicable discussion of issues before any legal or formal solutions are considered. Therefore, the board should hold a meeting with anti-abortion groups aimed for peace. The meeting will...

Board, (1662), 24-31. Zhang, A., & Zhang, Y. (2003). Airport charges and capacity expansion: effects of concessions and privatization. Journal of Urban Economics, 53(1), 54-75. Matsumura, T., & Matsushima, N. (2012). Airport privatization and international competition. Japanese Economic Review, 63(4), 431-450. Oum, T. H., Adler, N., & Yu, C. (2006). Privatization, corporatization, ownership forms and their effects on the performance of the world's major airports. Journal of Air Transport Management, 12(3),...

board theories, models or evidence. This will increase the competence and efficacy of the modern law (Reed, 2001). The Presidential System The United States is perhaps one of the countries with adamant democratic institutions. This gives the American presidents direct mandates since the common citizens directly elect them. Whereas this system is vital in defining political activities and the overall economy, they also expose the country and other institutions to various flaws, reducing the efficiency of the presidential system in America. It jeopardizes the country towards impunity, particularly when the president decides to contravene public opinion. A classic example is a Vietnamese war and war on...

board and also prevent the department from violating labor laws when hiring and firing workers (John, 2005). The standard procedures spell out a clear guideline for ensuring a good job description, writing and ensuring clear work ads in place. It also ensures evaluation of applications of the procedures to attain standard benefits and compensations. The standard procedures also state the step by step way of ending any procedure in the organization. The HR departments also deal with the regulation of benefits and compensations as employees in every organization are supposed to be given additional benefits. These benefits include; health insurance for the workers, funding further trainings for the...

board led by Mr. Barnwell, the marketing manager, Mr. Wilkerson, the P.R administrator, and Mrs. Shepstone and Mr. McDonald as heads of the production and packaging departments respectively. The concern for the proposed innovation evoked different anxieties among the participating stakeholders. The production and packaging team was more compliant with the current working system. Comparatively, the marketing team was concerned about information deficits considering the few selected departments involved in the change. Risk perception was expressed by the higher authorities fearing that the modification may delay before the targeted customers accept it.Thus, for a change to be successful, there is the...

board. Customer support plans There will always be a customer care desk where the customer can have their grievances addressed. Moreover, the customers can have the feedback filed from the same place. The customers will have the restaurant's hotline links that will be toll-free to allow them air out their concerns with much ease. Communication between the restaurant and the customers will be conducted with modesty, and with much respect. Startup Costs Development Main Expenses Areas To set up a restaurant, the business organization will need to organize for the startup expenses that will total to slightly above 350000 dollars. Initially, the business must determine the location that they need...



board produced this lesson plan to assist in preparing students for responsible and effective citizenship. This information is a basic explanation of how representative government works and why there are three branches of government, and how they share power, and the decision-making. This is how no one branch has more power than the other branches of government (LFF, 1). The section of TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills chapter 113.18 (sixth grade) section Subchapter B. Middle School the section is in Social Studies. While it does not specifically discuss Civics, it does talk about the importance of economics and state and federal government topics. How the government works is an important...

board the various cases of grave student indiscipline in the school as the discipline may affect to a great extent the level of academic performance in the school. In a school, anyone who engages in indiscipline activities is expected to face serious consequences that may include being put way from the rest of the students for a whole day and caning among others; this incorporates a sense of fear in the students that doing a certain thing will result in an appropriate punishment. It also makes the students to respect the teacher and therefore listen keenly to whatever they say. The use of fear to control subjects has been in existence for centuries and has always achieved its intended purpose....

board to assist him to analyze our ideas. The panel openly addressed the points of weakness, approval, and improvement in every individual’s suggestion. Although I firmly believed to have presented the most genius of ideas, most of them were ruled weak and lacked clarity. However, through their criticism and suggestions, I was able to adjust their recommendation and later on my project was implemented in the department. The experience made me realize some key attributes that directly associate with being open-minded. Taking risks as a way of trying new things is an act of being receptive to change. Positive curiosity encourages one to try out something with the imagination of success. Being open...