Benefits Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

benefits realized so far. In particular, the field of telecommunications has experienced major transformation to the extent that the world has increasingly been referred to as a global village. This is due to the unbeatable advantages derived from the application of technology in this field. The improved telecommunications today plays a crucial role in how we communicate. Wireless technology especially offers people with the opportunity to connect easily due to their numerous features. Mobile forms enable people to save time-based on communication features such as short messages, calls, and multimedia messages. “Broadcasting Arrives” The wireless technology needed to come up with a radio...

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benefits of safety training include prevention of workplace accidents, enhancement of machine safety at the workplace, reduction of lawsuits from the clients and minimized chances of company closure. When the employees lack safety skills, an error that results in lawsuits and fines from the regulatory agencies could occur. Such occurrences are often costly for the company (Cascio, 2018). Therefore, providing training prevent extra expenses on accidents and minor errors. The training further ensures that the equipment and machines at the workplace are safe for the employees to use thus meeting the safety standards. The company adjusts to safety measures thus reducing the chances of the company being...

Bad news


benefits. An appropriate communication is important verbally and nonverbally. Avoiding jargon and maintaining eye contact ensures that the message is received with clarity. The speaker must avoid confrontational language. Good communication helps to stay calm and maintain focus as well as listen to the audience (Hanlon 2). AIDA strategy describing a negative situation in your work environment and its handling A problem of low sales emerged in the Company, which was solved using the AIDA strategy. According to Hanlon (1), A stands for ‘Attention'. The sales representatives identified ways of getting the attention of the consumers through packaging the products attractively on the shelves. The...

  • Words: 275
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benefits. Some of the primary sources of fiber include vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and beans. Sugars are essential for healthy body functioning as human beings use them as a primary source of energy. However, several of them are not healthy and may lead to various lifestyle disease. Hence, dietary fiber is a healthier source of carbohydrate found in whole grains and vegetables. Dietary fiber promotes health living controlling blood sugar and preventing excessive calorie intake by eliciting a feeling of fullness (Hartley et al., 2015). In this light, I would increase fiber intake, as it would help minimize my calorie intake, which is quite high. This can be achieved by consuming a high fiber...

benefits that the AHCA. The member was a Republican and was convinced that the Bill was the best and could bring many benefits to the citizens of the US. Therefore, I had to convince the member the reason as to why opposing the Bill would have been beneficial to the people. The member was opposed to the existing ACA only because it had been brought about by a Democrat president. The biases that the member had were all political. Therefore, there was a need to convince the member otherwise and bring out facts onto why they should be opposed to the AHCA (Wang & Cahill, 2017). The major points for opposing the AHCA were; 1) The passing of the AHCA could make about 24 million Americans lose their...

benefits that are accompanied by the family health cover. The health care system should adjust in a bid to cater for the lesbians’ health care needs as well. Lesbians just like other women face the same kind of health risks, and there is a need for them to have health covers. Notably, the negative attitudes directed towards the lesbians make them avoid seeking the healthcare services. To offer competent and sensitive care to this subgroup, I would engage in counseling sessions whereby I would strongly advise the lesbians to feel free to share the sexual orientation. The counseling sessions will play a significant role in building up their courage. I would also encourage Betty to go for cancer...

  • Words: 550
  • Pages: 2
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