Benefits Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

benefits equally benefit either of the respective individuals. Mutual aid can be through a society or systematic voluntary insurance, meant for health care and maintenance of income. The mutual aid further offers protection socially with a significant return in the form of a contribution. Example, Ebo took care of his father when he suffered from stroke for eight years until the time he left for foster care, leaving the assumption that his father’s demise led him there. This form of bond is critical among the African American, especially those linked to the Catholic Church which highly advocated for mutualism. Nonetheless, this concept has led to further development of ties since they help an...

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benefits as a theory that was grounded but thought bias in the final results. The researcher can relate to the participants of the study despite their different perspective which is important in ensuring the study is not biased and gives consideration to all ideas. Validity The author proves the validity of the mode of collecting data used; interviews. They can give their credibility in that the researcher can stay focused on the goals of the study without deviating to give their preference on the study. The use of other authors to support the finding and observation also goes a long way in boosting the credibility of the researcher. This is because if some scholars and academics have written...



benefits of e-learning, there are e-learning courses that are good and others that are not so great. An example of a good e-learning course is “Travel Safety E-learning” the site provides an enjoyable learning experience. The site has a high level of interaction embracing animation based training this provides the highest level of interaction and thus students are motivated as it includes different multimedia. Furthermore, the site delivers relevant and relatable information alongside putting the learners in control. The site also strategically uses gamification rich media as well as interactivity to establish learners’ engagement. The learning materials are well organized with a high level of...



benefits, it makes it efficient in the training of employees as they perform their duties. The field of psychology is wrought in dynamism. Factual information is always being released perpetually as a result of constant research as some accepted notions get discredited (Welsh et al. 252). Psychotherapy is an example of job aspect for which I think e-learning solution would be appropriate. This is in regard to the updates made on already existing theories towards a better psychological training. Though the technology is full of glamour, an ill developed system is sure to be a stumble. Development of an efficient mode is not all about using multimedia. Instructional methods used need to create...

benefits of globalization are numerous, but as Marber observes, it has increased the capacity of human capital and economic outputs thereby creating a resultant rise in Gross Domestic Product (Marber 30). Response 3: Levinson on Economists and Sweatshops Levinson reckons that sweatshops may be disparaged in the rich countries yet they are crucial inaugural steps towards economic development; especially, in developing countries. Indeed, his assertions are correct except that the notion of sweatshops is one in which workers do the donkey work and receive very little regarding remuneration. Worse still, workers in developing countries are more often than not subjected to poor working conditions that...

benefits. Additionally, the PPACA aims at making prescription drugs more accessible particularly for the senior citizens. Although PPACA has various advantages, the policy also has some shortcomings. Firstly many individuals will be compelled to pay higher installments considering that insurance companies will be offering significant benefits while catering for individuals with preexisting conditions. Business organizations have also sought to reduce the working hours of their employees to avoid covering them. Notably, there’re different kinds of taxes that were developed to help in paying for the PPACA such as the taxes for pharmaceutical sales as well as medical devices. Further, additional...

  • Words: 550
  • Pages: 2
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Benefits of Good Sleep After a hard day’s work, it is natural for the body to experience fatigue which in turn causes the body to slow down its functions. It is prudent to sleep for at least eight hours daily. Since sleep replenishes the body and during the process healing of the body takes place. It is important to not only ensure that the person has 8 hours of sleep, but the quality of sleep also matters. The benefits of good sleep are many and in a study, it was found that people who have enough sleep live longer, are more happy in life, are more productive and perform better in their studies ADDIN CSL_CITATION { "citationItems" : , "container-title" : "Nature Neuroscience", "id" : "ITEM-1",...

benefits begin to be fully felt (Geisler & Heller, 2012). New technologies will also address the shortcomings of existing mode of operations thereby improving it. The benefits of technology in any area at times may take the considerable amount of time before it is fruitful. According to Fasano (2013) technology allows real-time personalized care that is affordable. Spath, P. & Spath, L. 2009 observes that although the costs may seem to be on an upward trend, in future, they will be eliminated by the improved instant and timely delivery of care. Through increased patient’s involvement and collaboration and integrated data among health service providers, best treatment will be administered...