Awareness Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

awareness? Let us think well the question we have just read, if the genetic modification becomes possible, many cases will be seen in which people begin to modify their babies so that they meet certain beauty standards and if so, we would be rejecting the appearance with which Our creator sent us, a complete breed breaking the established norms. Rescuing Alan Turing's phrase: ‘Thinking is a function of man's immortal soul. God has granted an immortal soul to every man and woman, but not to other animals or machines. Therefore, no animal or machine can think '(Turing, 1950) we could say that we are given a soul to this artificial life, since as these were mentioned before if they are able to take...

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awareness activities, raised within the Institute's Tutorial Action Plan during the 2020-2021 school year. Through the activities of this project, we want minors to become aware, within their environment, of this problem, increasingly common in today's society. Developing The motivation to work this issue arises from two findings. The first is the social reality in which we are, as Muñoz-Rivas (2007) points out, gender violence in the first wedding relationships in adolescents is one of the most transcendental social problems that we face today today. It is important to highlight the increase in gender violence among adolescents, in the last report of the Observatory against Domestic and Gender...

awareness. Throughout time the State of Chile has led to several laws that deliver amparo and protection towards the female gender which will be mentioned broadly: Law 20.066 domestic violence (highlighting that this law does not particularly protect women, but any fact of violence within the family nucleus, but it is also the only one that allows us to denounce the sexist deals or aggressions within it) Law 20.480 femicide, Law 20.005 sexual harassment at work, Law 20.348 Salary equality.   These laws were created to deliver greater protection when legally attending for a cause of violence to women, however, none very severe considering the aforementioned figures, it is not enough to...

awareness, the slave contemplates him as an ideal, as if he had no awareness. (Padina). The woman is only recognized in men, in her interests;She is a dependent consciousness. Of the contario will be "little feminine". The man, like the master, is the one who does "things" and the one who thus grants his status to the woman. Developing. We understand then that for relations between men and women, they stop supposing female subordination both subjects must be recognized as independent, therefore, otherness is the category that describes this situation as long as man reaffirms as a subject and denies the subjectivity ofThe woman requisiting her. This is closely related to the...

awareness decisions about your body. Much has been achieved, but more work is required more education, understanding that the issue is of the utmost importance and that achieving control in the population will bring us benefits throughout the planet. That is why the issue becomes critical and cannot continue to...

awareness and learn more about gender equity. I have conducted a small research on gender violence that exists at the national and provincial level in this case of the province that I belong to the province of Chimborazo. We have to raise awareness and try to reach people who are attacked either physical, psychological. And also try to get to the aggressors and make them see that what they do is wrong that we do not have to attack anyone or make them feel less. According to: (Gender Equity, 2019).  One of the main cause of gender discrimination is religion since in some religions they place women under men and create a patriarchal society. Since in some religions they are very strict on some...