Award Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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Award, for being the best in health and scientific innovation, getting millions of visits. For Amalia, his blog began as an experiment in January 2019, with absolute ignorance about what the blogosphere was. With the passage of time, virtuality was part of its reality, she dedicates time and eager, she confesses that she has lived curious situations that have enriched her professional and personal life, is a place where she escapes, writes her experiences and has found many friends. Contents that print passion! The contents that we find in both blogs are very interesting, in the case of Dr. Lucia, from her experience and her maternity sensitivity helps families, and teaches them her trajectory; as...

awards that also form an integral part of the current literature also form.  Contemporary literature is characterized by great diversity in all its plans that has influence on the most produced literary genre of this period, the novel. Therefore, it is not easy to find conductive threads in the contemporary Spanish narrative.The current novel suffered many changes at the end of the last century. The most significant year of this period is the year 1975, since with the death of Franco and the next political change there has been a completely new situation in Spain. However, the transformation in the character of the novel has occurred before.  In the 60s new historical circumstances appear....

award of organs and tissues are followed, these being compatibility, the patient's clinical situation and the time of permanence in the list. The heart transplant is to replace the patient's sick organ with the healthy corpse donor. This operation is necessary in patients who have a terminal phase heart disease that has evolved towards heart failure and no longer responds to usual medications, since when that treatment fails the transplant is the only option that remains to preserve an acceptable quality of life. In the most serious cases of heart failure, the heart works at a third of its usual performance, which can cause injuries in other organs, so it is important that for the transplantation...

Award in 2004, reiterated that the best reaction within this confinement was to combine the departure of people who have the need to live day by day with the enclaustration of people who have no needto make a living in the same way. For the writer this was a success of public policies: “Public policy as a whole, it seemed to me that it adjusted to our circumstances. Now it remains to be seen if this is a good response compared to that of other countries ”. Before Julio López's question about how he would react or how he would celebrate before the first hours of normal life as the expectation of any Mexican, the writer Juan Villoro replied: “I believe that this rethinking and resigns the...

awarded by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) with the “The Best of the Best” award, a distinction that certifies it as a destination where best practices in tourism are applied and aims to promote improvement of the quality in the tourist service and promoting advances in the well -being of civil society, or at least that is the discourse through which this place was promoted and showed before society. The tourist part of Cancun is called a hotel zone, a strip of white sand that runs through the entire east of the municipality of Benito Juárez, full of hotels in the coastal area, which is the main tourist attraction of the city. From north to south we find 9 public beaches from Puerto...

awards among them: the academic award for best photography, the academic award for the best director, Lion de Oro, Golden Globe for the best director and many more.  The education that Guillermo del Toro received in his country of origin was exceptional in his career, since thanks to this and his insistence on fulfilling his dreams, Guillermo del Toro Gómez today is one of the most successful producers and directors of Hollywood. It should be noted that the last time Guillermo received one of his numerous awards, a reporter told him “you have the ability to see the dark side of human nature;Fantasy and terror, but he is also a cheerful and loving person how to find that balance?"To what Del...

awards thanks to its work. In 2015, he won the Alba / Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism. Endowed with $ 100,000, the Alba / Puffin Award is one of the largest human rights awards worldwide. However, there are still many people in Spain who are against historical memory because they are too scared or want to forget the past. Others think there is no sense to seek information. However, most think that Spain should do more to remember the people who died during the war. For example, they believe there should be debates and museums dedicated to war should be opened, such as what was done in Germany. According to dr. Pelai Pagès, professor of contemporary history at the University of Barcelona,...

award (Botero and Correa, 2004, p. 19). Based on the governing principle of arbitration, the autonomy of the will (Mezgravis, 1999, p. 210), international arbitration leaves the parties to choose a method of dispute solution according to its will, which means in practice the power to choose the applicable law, as well as aspects that include the language in which it will be processedThe procedure, the same as the arbitral headquarters. That is, as the parties are the ones that voluntarily decide to submit to arbitration, therefore, the referees and the parties choose the procedure to follow. In addition, the arbitral awards are binding for the parties, being the subject of resources only for few...