Author Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Author of three best sellers who have turned a turn to our way of understanding the world, Gadwell has chosen those who considered his best articles, scattered in different numbers of The New Yorker magazine and new sample of his insatiable curiosity. The following questions come to light, can someone be blamed for the Challenger explosion? Can we catch a criminal from his psychological profile? Why do we identify precocity with genius? Gladwell brings together his best reports here for The New Yorker magazine. Just putting himself on the skin of a dog, Gadwell thought, he could uncover the secrets of César Millán, the "dog charming", capable of calming the most restless or enraged...

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Author: Brendan Riley The feeling of fear is older than human civilization at the time. Instinctively throughout evolution, almost all animals in zodiac have the feeling of fear;To escape danger. But fear for a better brain as humans is not just a survival institute, but we can be afraid of many ways. We want to get rid of many types of fear that ourselves. There are a number of psychological reasons behind this, which we will discuss in this blog. The anatomy of fear: fear is not just a psychological problem, but if we are afraid, we also have many changes in our physical condition. To understand why we love to fear, we must understand what we fear in our brain and body. In general, when we are...

author;For example in the fourth century D.C. Zósimo called spirits to substances that could be distilled, such as mercury. In the time of Dalton the sign for the oxygen element was an empty circle, that of the hydrogen element a circle with a point in the center, while the water symbol was formed by joining the circles that represented oxygen and hydrogen. Antoine Lavoisier, together with other important French chemists, created the foundations of the current nomenclature, in 1787 they published the chemical nomenclature method, this contains the rules to name the substances known until that time, as well as their representation in a simple and abbreviated way,All this with the purpose of unifying...

author The author of the book performs an analysis of the war, seeing it as an art, which although many would consider that there is not much more than shoot and fight, the author, Sun Tzu, point to point is showing how it is that it is a wholeart, because there are important factors on which the lives of each of those who participate in it depend and that not anyone can handle properly to keep their troops safe and dominating the enemy. Not only are it about factors that would be obvious to anyone, such as weapons, tanks and men, external factors such as climate and land are also very important. It begins with the element that we could consider the most important, life;The death of troops could...

author of the book The art of war was a general, strategist, military and philosopher that belonged to ancient China. He decided to write this work to provide his wisdom to future generals so that they were able to manage wars and battles in the best way. The book is divided into 13 chapters, each dedicated to the different aspects of war. It is a book that was written more than two thousand years ago, but, even being in the 21st century it is still in force thanks to the fact that the concepts and strategies proposed in it can be applied not only in the military strategy, but also at the business level and toPersonal level. They can also be used in other areas, such as business world. It is not a...

author and connects the observer with cultural values that transcend the strict operational function of the design.  conclusion Finally, give a reflection that visual communication should not be a participant in bad messages or subliminal, let's make it a means of communication that is really respected and valued, for example for people with a bad sense of the ear. Let's focus that this medium will be used to give a message that is clear and forceful without having a negative...

author explains, they do not reproduce alone, to do so They use the genetic information of the cell they invade, inject their genetic material and multiply generating the death of the cell. Developing Viruses can attack from human beings to bacteria, but not all cause effect on systems of all species, since each virus can only infect one or a few of these. Some of these may be influenza or HIV. Each virus is different and because of that, its form of infection varies. Some are transmitted through breathing, others by consuming food, also sexual (due to the exchange of body fluids) or by blood contact (such as a mosquito bite). In this way, each virus has a specific treatment, there are vaccines to...