Artist Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

artists since only European artists were taken seriously. Art has always being used as a form of entertaining whose influence comes from social, political and world changing events (Harvey, 2012). Some of the leaders of the Abstract Expressionism movement were Jackson Pollock, William de Kooning, Mark Rothko and Jay Meuser (Harvey, 2012). Jay Meuser, a California-based expressionist, painted in a non-objective style, and his painting was known as Mare Nostrum. Mark Rothko first showed his artistic works in the year 1929 used color field painting (Greenhill & LaFountain, 2015). Some of Rothko’s arts include Crucifixion, Entrance to Subway, Oedipus and Four Darks in Red. William de Kooning was...

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artist may be judged as incredible. This is the power of aesthetics. The two objects are visually impressive and therefore concluded as beautiful. However, including reason undermines the power of aesthetics and makes the work less ugly for example due to the wrongful position of the ear on the arm instead of the head. Also, reason has that a mouse cannot have an ear on its back hence the work will be criticized by reason (Walton, 2007). The procedure that the creator of the art puts in place determines whether a piece of work is an art or not. For instance, the work of Stelarc on an ear growing on a human arm is a piece of art while the while the work of Charles Vacanti on a mouse with an ear on...

artist Sam Gilliam. The artwork is considered one of the most important paintings for the artist because it marketed the beginning of a new era both in the industry and for Gilliam as an individual. The artwork was created in 1970 and has been showcased in different galleries in the United States and beyond. The leaf is made of various colors including both primary and secondary colors. The mixture of these colors gives the painting a modern look. The artist uses bright colors on the side of the painting and a mild mixture of colors at the bottom and the middle of the painting. The use of these bright colors at the edges helps to draw the attention of the audience to the entire painting. Moreover,...

artist, thoughtful, somewhat than a sensationalist. Walker had much concern about the worldwide issue of feminine genital mutilation and hence forced her to explore on the matter in both the book and film. Alice walker’s sixth novel “By the light of my father’s smile” also focuses on feminine sexuality. The story is narrated in flashback, and the main characters are a wife and a husband. The heart of the story dominates sexuality though the husband becomes violent after realizing that their daughter is involved in sexuality. The novel tries to damage the culture that suppresses female’s sexuality. Almost all walker’s characters are a two-dimensional stereotype. Though Alice Walker...

artist has used. Properties that determine the worth of a piece of art include reputation of the artist, previous prices, physical nature, momentum, tastes and preference, demand, macroeconomic content, quality, and provenance. Purchasers of art can be divided into three different groups namely investors, collectors, and speculators. While collectors are passionate about art who buy it out of love, investors buy art with the aim of reselling it at a higher price. Art pieces can be in the form of pictures, paintings, sculptures, and writings. Different eras have seen significant changes in the art industry (De Marchi & Van Miegroet, 2006). In the 17th century, the Dutch used paintings to depict...

artistic product to its equivalent market value as argued by William Grampp in his article Pricing the Priceless: Art, Artist and Economics or is this a crude method of determining the real value of artistic work as pointed out by Pierre Bourdieu in his article, The Field of Cultural Production: Essay on art and literature? In this essay we will try to understand the key dynamics of the art market by basing our emphasis on how the art market resembles other markets and its relationship to the general trends in the economy. The value of an artistic work is almost, if not in all cases, purely subjective. For example, take a painting whose intrinsic value is the paint and canvas, both of which do not...



artists during the early modern days. Religion had a great influence on art especially during the birth of Protestant churches whose doctrine differed with that propagated by the Roman Catholic. Moreover, the church was the largest source of work for artists at this time because the visual representation of the Bible was of great importance to the church in keeping the faithful rooted to the doctrine of the church. The use of sculptures to honor the heroes of the day was a common practice. Commissions from the church, sculptures for the tombs of the church leaders, artwork in honor of martyrs of faith, architectural works and paints fetched the artists a lot of money during the early modern Europe....

artist Aristophanes that are still being referred to in the modern day American film industry. The plays that Aristophanes wrote during the Greek civilization have inspired the show, Family guy in many aspects of humor it exhibits. The two artists despite the period difference of producing their works, they show similarities in how they articulate and demonstrate their humor. Aristophanes’ dirty jokes, political satire, and toilet jokes have been adopted by the modern TV shows like Family Guy and Comic Central’s South Park, therefore, indicating the striking connection between Aristophanes’’ plays and current comedy shows. The center of the film, Family Guy, is the Griffin family that...

artists whose works reveals various beliefs and values in particular time periods. The arts include the Psycho Spaghetti Western by Ed Ruscha, Travelers by Streams and Mountains by Faun Kains, Rembrandt’s self-portrait at 63 and finally the “Hitman five belts” by Gouache. These artworks are used in comparison to depict various themes and elements in the artwork as discussed in this essay. In “Psycho Spaghetti Western’, Ed Ruscha has used the canvas to represent the everyday things which are disorderly arranged, a blown tire, a carton on a textured base which could be the roadside or an empty area. The painting gives a sense of the vastness of the area which leaves the viewers in awe as the... Last modified in 2013. Millmore, Mack. "Ancient Egyptian Gods and Godesses." Discovering egypt Website. Last modified in 2016. Stromquist, Kat. "Polytheism in Ancient Egypt." Synoname Website. Last modified in 2001. The Ancient Bridge. "Confronting Pseudo-Archaeological Memes Pt 1 – Does IHS really refer to the Isis-Horus-Set Trinity?" The ancientbridge Website. Last modified in 2015....