Artist Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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artists that made it popular. Swiss design is a rich, realistic, and simple style that has been used by several known artists in the field of art. Many artists are impressed with this design described by how it evolved, the different artists who developed it, and the generation that appreciates its beauty. The following artist Henry van de Velde, Josef-Muller Brockmann, and Jan Tschichold are studied and their connection to the development of Swiss design. Henry Van de VeldeHenry van de Velde was a prominent character among the designers who worked so hard to bring art to industry. He started art as a painter, in the 1890s, then acquired architectural skills. He was an innovator of the modern design...

artist being judgmental regarding black women’s preference to beauty. The artist is critical and one-sided in presenting views relating to the use of weave by black women since every woman has a unique way of defining beauty regardless of their race and the amount of money they spend. The image shows a Korean family with some text written on the left side criticizing black women who buy weave from shop owners of Korean decent. From the text, the assumption is that such women help in funding college education for the children of the shop owners. Also, the image reveals the view that black women use weaves since they have poor self-images of themselves. Therefore, the artist's primary intent in...

artist) who produced landscape pictures in the form of book illustrations, Samuel Palmer, Edward Lear and-and Hablot Knight Browne the engraver. In America, the civil war outbreak led to the production of portraits of politicians and militants and newspapers such as the Harpe`s Weekly. The American 20th century illustration entails a full-color painting because of the introduction of the printing technology, and the World War 1 led to aim increased demand of billboards, picture and posters with illustrators like Harvey Dunn, Wallace Morgan, Jack Duncan, Ernest Peixoto and Harry Townsend. After the post-war, there was an increased demand for commercial images for advertising and publications. Besides,...

artist makes from the scrap are so fine-tuned that they can be sold out to many other people like ornaments and home decors. Some other artists have the capability to make social garments that can fetch very profitable values in the markets. The street creativity is a win-win initiative that helps to preserve the environment, as well as give the economic value of the arts. The creative reuse of the scrap is a far much better way to handle the disposable wastes than even the need to recycle. However, both recycling and creative use in the fine artistry provide green environmental solutions that would help in the development of a healthy living environment. It is an initiative that should be...

artist whose work made a great contribution to the industry at the time. He ventured in various artistic works including painting, poetry, and sculpturing. He succeeded in all the areas that he ventured into and his artworks are some of the most renowned pieces of the sixteenth century. Michelangelo lived between 1475 and 1564 and he became one of the most famous artists of the Renaissance period in Italy (Michelangelo 65). He is mentioned alongside some of the greatest artists of all times such as Leonardo Da Vinci. In fact, Michelangelo is believed to have been one of the greatest competitors of Da Vinci although he was 23 years younger than Leonardo was. History remembers Michelangelo for his...

artists embraced the genre and used various painting techniques to represent country life in simple and admirable ways. The genre was used to represent and bring about pleasure and playfulness among the French people during the 18th century. The works of Jean-Honor Fragonard and especially the Grape Gatherer painting show happiness and the fantasy of a simple rural life. Elements from the ancient Greek indicate that during the ancient times, people appreciated the pastoral life that they had just lost. The importance of country life began to lose its meaning as the desire for urbanization crept in during the ancient periods. Urbanization brought about complications and issues that were not present...

Artists are Finally Getting Their Turn" in the New York Times newspaper on the 29th March 2016. Information in this section has shown great support for feminism in the art by stating various art instances and female painters. Similarly, female artists from the past have been so withdrawn in showcasing their artistic works in galleries, museums, and exhibitions compared to the modern female artists. Hilarie notes that Georgia O’Keeffe is among the artists who declined to give their work in Los Angeles for a pivotal exhibition. Moreover, he asserts that the 21st-century galleries, museums, and art exhibitions are featuring women themed surveys, gallerists, and surge custodians and therefore, raise...

  • Words: 1375
  • Pages: 5
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artists such as Van Gogh and Picasso intrigued me with their works. It took time but eventually, I got around to liking art and even fell in love with it. Therefore, when I embarked on doing this project, I was acutely aware of what I was doing and wanted to undertake on doing a project that was related to me and told the story of my life. I thought long and hard of what would be the best project and settled on telling the story of how I have evolved. Throughout the course of my life, I have always felt like I have been held back. A lack of confidence marred the formative years of my childhood, and I was bullied a lot. This made me develop a kind of shell and never opened up to anyone. I developed a...