Art Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

art, seen from the author The author of the book performs an analysis of the war, seeing it as an art, which although many would consider that there is not much more than shoot and fight, the author, Sun Tzu, point to point is showing how it is that it is a wholeart, because there are important factors on which the lives of each of those who participate in it depend and that not anyone can handle properly to keep their troops safe and dominating the enemy. Not only are it about factors that would be obvious to anyone, such as weapons, tanks and men, external factors such as climate and land are also very important. It begins with the element that we could consider the most important, life;The death...

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art and different military tactics The Sun Tzu War Art Book is a work that covers different military tactics, shows the process of a conflict or war from its beginning, course and end, in order to become victorious in it. This text has inspired numerous historical eminences such as Napoleon and Machiavelli. It is pointed out as a treaty that instructs the supreme strategy to apply with intelligence and wisdom the knowledge of a human nature in moments of conflict and confrontation. The objective of this great strategy compendium is to understand the origin of a conflict and help find a solution to it. Sun Tzu points out that the nucleus of his philosophy close to war is based on two deep...

art and aspects of war Sun Tzu, the author of the book The art of war was a general, strategist, military and philosopher that belonged to ancient China. He decided to write this work to provide his wisdom to future generals so that they were able to manage wars and battles in the best way. The book is divided into 13 chapters, each dedicated to the different aspects of war. It is a book that was written more than two thousand years ago, but, even being in the 21st century it is still in force thanks to the fact that the concepts and strategies proposed in it can be applied not only in the military strategy, but also at the business level and toPersonal level. They can also be used in other areas,...

Art only requires knowledge, but virtue requires rational choice and constant exercise of the same. It is difficult to be good because it is difficult to find the environment, and the function of education is precisely to help reach it. Between excess and defect the midpoint is virtue or magnificence and Aristotle calls the two most distant ends as opposites. Aristotle says that we can describe virtues such as things that are destroyed by deficiency or excess.  Someone who flees becomes a coward, while someone who fears nothing is reckless. In this way, the virtue ‘courage’ can be seen as a ‘middle ground’ between two ends. People get used to virtuous actions, possibly by the guidance of...

art. 1 Defines violence as «any act based on belonging to the female sex that causes or is likely to cause women physical, sexual or psychological damage or suffering. And includes threats of such acts and the restriction or arbitrary deprivation of freedom, both in public and private life ». Taking these two models in accounts, the remarkable change that has arisen to the present. Gender violence is a type of behavior in which the use of physical strength is persistently shown as an aggression, psychological violence, intimidation or persecution by the aggressor. One of the most common modalities of violence is that of psychological violence that results in serious emotional damage. Psychic...

art. Do they affect health? Despite the undoubted benefits that this activity provides, in some cases excessive use gives way to abuse and in others it causes serious personal, social and family problems. On the other hand, intelligence does not seem to suffer any deterioration due to the use of video games. On the contrary, it favors the development of aspects of intelligence, especially spatial character. At the brain level it has been established that video games help a better reasoning capacity against everyday problems. It is more resolutive and ideas are sought differently than other people do. It improves in attention and concentration, showing a unique interest and a special capacity to...