Art Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

article "Borges in the world, the world in Borges" by author Daniel Balderston, it is pointed out that those who see Borges are only mistaken only as a cosmopolitan writer (or "Europeanizing", or "escapist"). It could be added that those who want to see it above all as the great Argentine or Latin American writer, since, the tensions between Criollism and cosmopolitism, between nationalism and a blunt anti -nationalism, inform all his work, report his entire work, inform his entire work. Borges is the paradigmatic figure of the sage, and as such he is very aware of the limits of his knowledge. That is why in the twenties it is analyzed as that of the golden years in...

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art from the 13th century. There are many representations of this great construction, as many as they have been carried out in Japan for Mount Fuji. Its importance as the country's spine, made it an object of worship and admiration for artists. In addition, the roll formula where Chinese works are reflected is perfect to represent it. Although currently has lost its importance in the country's economy, it has acquired popularity within international tourism. During its central route it crosses great cities and towns that retain their traditional culture. UNESCO gave El Gran Canal de China the recognition deserved for being one of the great works of humanity. Since 2014 he is part of the World...

art, there are infinities reference of Greek culture in our society today today today. According to Greek philosophical thinking, the majority of its precursors, affirmed that the soul is pre -existing and prisoner of the body and has a fight you counted for its release, which is sometimes dominated by passions and subject to the body (myth of the winged car). That everything that always moves by itself is immortal (soul) while what is moved by another, when the movement ceases, also ceases to live (body), that the body was a set of dust that when the died theBody, this dust was in the world, generating immortality. While the Aristotelian conception separates from the Platonic by the difference in...

articular, the three that produce a severe pathology and was generated in the Asian continent so far the investigations suggest that bats are the cause of the current outbreak of (2019ncov), which originated in a "wet market or marine food" this new virus, according to the data on February 16, 2020, has already caused almost 70.000 cases of infection and more than 1.600 deaths (Bonilla, 2019). Studies have shown that they are monocatenario harness virus easy to mutate increasing the diversity of virus species and gives it the ability to quickly adapt to new guests, these animals could amplify the virus and spread it through secretions and feces with animals with animals with...

arted with good news for our best friends. In New York (EE. UU.) The innovative and pioneer dog museum in the early February has been inaugurated. Through an impressive collection of works of art, the building is an exciting and didactic tribute to dogs. Next, we tell you more about the world's first dog museum and its interesting proposal that combines art and technology to honor our most faithful companions. Developing Meet the first dog museum in the world The world's first dog museum opens its doors in New York City, thanks to an initiative of the American Kennel Club (AKC). Inside, visitors can dazzle with the most extensive collection of canine art gathered until today. Among the most...

artistic perspective, the problem of the influence of technology, in principle seen from the visual arts and secondly, with respect to its effects on the reality-image relationship. To develop it I will make various interrogations that will serve as points to build the main idea and arouse new interests. I do not intend to perform a deep analysis of each concept that I name but to reach a general approach of the problem and cause awareness in people of an evolution, product of technological advances, in images and in our reality. What is Tékne? To introduce ourselves I will return to remote times, the ancient Greece. According to the Aristotelian sense of art, Tékne is any manufacturing procedure...

articularly on teleworking, have the right to digital disconnection outside their work schedule in the terms established in the art. 88 of Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5 ”. CONCLUSION In conclusion I say that the right to digital and work disconnection is very important for our specific society that work on teleworking. Because when the schedule established by a company has already been disconnected in their free time, he or she could do many things because they also have to serve their families. Personally, I agree that this law must be implemented in all countries because it will be avoided that health to reduce, beyond the fact that work sheets are good for work and have greater...