Answer Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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answer, different from the criminal sanction, in this sense, it works within the criteria of as an alternative to the judicial process itself (Mechanism Opportunity for fun, deformalization or dejudicialization) and also as an authentic alternative exit against the punitive response, that if the judicial process began and completed, the judicial process would probably be imposed on it. The remission is supported by Peru in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in its article 40. In turn, the remission is treated amplitudely in the minimum rules of the United Nations for the administration of minors justice - Beijing rules. Particularly the eleventh rule of this document. The remission can be...

answer that seeks not only to the damage received to the victim, but to repair the social relationship with his perpetrator. This form of restorative justice is developed through a triangular scheme. The approach of the victim and the perpetrator occurs with the intervention of an intermediary or mediator (usually the State or a jurisdictional delegate);The victim exposes his experience and speaks of the damages and damages suffered and the perpetrator explains what happened, answers the victim's questions and questions and finally the mediator helps them to seeThe release of both personal and social grudges is evident. The reimbursement of the victim and the offender to the community, to reduce the...

answer in the following essay. Does the people know what they want? We hear this phrase all the time: "People don't know what suits him". The people, as a mass, is a stupid, ignorant entity, whose individual and collective mentality was overwhelmed for decades and centuries for populisms, on the right, on the left, by the dictatorship, etc. Those who were called and were called "ruling elite" since the beginning of the times have protected themselves in divine law. From the Greeks, justified by Socrates who believed that “divinity, when he molded you, put gold in the mixture with which those trained to govern, being in such a form of the highest value;silver in the...

answer to the problem of nerve transmission speed. These two lines of research on the reaction times converged in the work of the Dutch physiologist F. Wherers discovered that the time between a stimulus and its response could be used to objectively quantify the speed of mental processes. Helmholtz had measured the type of reaction stimulus simple response, and astronomers had investigated, with other objectives, some mental processes such as trial. The special contribution from where it consisted of the use of reaction times to infer the action of complex mental processes. This is an example of simple reaction time. The task could be complicated using two bulbs and two switches and thus measure the...

answer questions or argue why a situation. The objective of explanatory research is to analyze the interactions of the study, responding to why? And he for what?, This is with the purpose of expanding descriptive and exploratory research, for this, it is necessary to have a high level of prior understanding of the phenomenon. Some characteristics of this model are: Expands the understanding of the study Offers multiple sources of information Predicts the effects suffered by the study by changing during the process Select study subjects in an orderly manner Research sources There are various types of documents that contain useful data to meet a demand for information or knowledge. This...

answer research questions, it is necessary to choose a context or environment where the study is carried out; Also, it is necessary to locate the approach in space and time. Hernández 2016 Developing The most appropriate method for this proposal is the research-action; It is mainly appropriate for small -scale research, in an area such as education; In addition, it constitutes an ideal method to undertake changes in organizations. Solve problems of teaching practice and to raise a solution to a problem of the educational institution that after the systematization of experiences can make a critical reflection on and from practice, of the experience of curricular intervention raised. Thus we face a...

answer the question of what justice is, creates a city. His thought is based on the fact that there are two types of political justice: justice in the State and justice in the individual. However, it assumes that the search for justice in a macro model as a state is easier than in an individual and after understanding justice in a state you can ask if there is a similarity between this macro model with our main model: the individual. Thus, Socrates begins to create a fair city from scratch in which the need for specialization is observed. Developing It is based on the fact that each man has to have an adequate role naturally for him in a state and should not end up any other business so that the...

answer this issue, I refer to: representation, reality and the epistemological problem or epistemology.  The representation, consists in producing meaning through the use of language, which is formed by signs and through this we can refer to reality. To represent, we use language, with this we make sense of the world and everything that surrounds us and that we mean or express. To do this, as we said at the beginning, we used signs, which we exchanged with each other. We are all members of the same culture. As we have seen in one of the three readings, specifically in “The work of the representation” of Stuart Hall, there are three theories about representation: the reflexive, the intentional...