Answer Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

answer is yes, and more from now on, with the inclusion of video game addiction as a type of disease in WHO. But there is a difference between adult treatment and treatment for children or adolescents. Although it is less frequent in adults, there is also this addiction in large amounts of people and its treatment is based on visiting specific clinics or programs through therapies that try to imply people who suffer from it, who can achieve satisfaction in Real life without giving all your time to video games. As for children and adolescents, it is more complicated because it must be imposed by parents, they do not feel they have a problem and do not even understand that they have to stop doing...

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answer the question raised first we must analyze what video games are and how these can be related to the environment, whether implementing them in the educational or social field. First, I will announce if there is the possibility of linking video games with the environment in the educational field. After the same way I will analyze the possibility of linking video games and environment in the social sphere. Finally we will analyze how to implement video games mainly in the educational area. First what are video games? Video games are computer programs designed for entertainment and fun that can be used through several platforms such as consoles, computers or cell phones. Over the years video...

answer to counteract those states or levels of consciousness. Thus, "technical theory looks at teachers as operators who handle curricular techniques, disjointed from their context ... Practical theory considers teachers as moral agents, responsible for decision making in their classroom and school". conclusion If education is intended. The teaching must aim to guide the experience of the student in order to lead him to learn by himself what allows him to develop all the possibilities that develop his full personality and lead him to personal fulfillment as well as to the discovery of all his virtues. The student through active teaching gains self-confidence and takes advantage of...

answer is very simple. We just have to think about the number of visitors in certain cities, such as Paris, Lisbon or Barcelona. Its resources, like those of all places, are limited.  Therefore, if large waves arrive in tourists, water, garbage and other services cannot be offered. Another objective of this collection is the maintenance of city assets as such. In this way, if the monuments are properly preserved, tourism will be encouraged. But always one of responsible and respectful of the environment and with the residents of the cities.What types of tourist rates exist?Mainly, there are two types of tourist taxes. That charge one or the other (or even both) depends on the country that is being...

answer, since these previous elements (I refer to El Infinito, Russell's paradox and languages) are themes that Borges is involving in his stories, either in the entire context or only by fragments. There are many mathematical or lawyer experts of science, which are truly attracted to their writings, and these at the end of reading them are amazed by the amount of references either mathematics, physical, etc., of their stories, that is why many authors of these branches write about it showing their admiration towards the author, why? Of course because of the outstanding ability of Jorge Luis Borges to involve these sciences in his writings and in a very attractive way, in the same way many more...

answer my question? In which I will use 2 secondary sources to reach a conclusion. Source 1: Fitzgerald. L. History of relations between Panama and the United States: Panama, Panama. Editor Sibauste. The origin of the first source is secondary taken from a book History of Panama Relations and the United States of the author and professor Fitzgerald, Luis. The author's purpose is to transmit about how the United States was related to Panama mainly at the beginning of the construction of our channel which made security of the entire Panama Canal area. Source 1 presents a great historical value according to its origin since it is a book written by the Panamanian author and professor Luis Fitzgerald,...