African-American Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

American to be elected the president of the United States of America. Many people know President Obama for his eloquence and his ability to articulate issues that appeal to most of the American citizens. Approximately three months after being elected president, Obama gave his state of the union address "before a joint session of the Congress" (Peters & Woolley, n.d.). In his speech, the President touched on many issues that would help revive the economy of the US. Some of the critical topics he addressed were education, health, energy, and investment and lending. This paper talks about two policies that stemmed out of his recommendations to the Congress in this address, and their failures and...

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African-American slaves were being shipped to various regions of the world. According to the Census records from 1860, it showed that there was a population of 1178 slaves compared to 6000 free persons living in the city. The ratio of slaves, however, was comparatively less than the rest of Texas population.  As English-speaking Americans thronged came to the Island, they shipped many Africans and American slaves. The slaves were assigned to work domestically and others on the port services. Most of them worked with the riverboats. Later, Galveston became a chief U.S. trading center and one of the largest ports in Texas, (Hardwick and Susan 58). The benefits that have accrued to the country...

African-American protagonist that struggles with racial challenges in a foreign land. Just like Lee, Tavernier utilizes his film as a channel of addressing the plight of black people. The commencement of Round Midnight delineates Dale Turner, the protagonist that relocates to Paris, France; so as to acquire motivation apropos of his Jazz music talent and skills. Turner understands that his racial affiliation as a black man interferes with his ability to succeed by pursuing a career in music. In Mo’ Better Blues, Lee explores indistinguishable themes while striving to create an admirable name for black people, despite their skin color. Delving deeper into racial relations in Round Midnight, the...

American patients. Theoretical Framework Many theories related to this topic offer viable solutions to dealing with diabetes issues. The research topic focuses on coming up with a symptom-focused approach that will help individuals know their symptoms and how they will deal with self-care. According to Teel et al, (1997), health care facilities that take the regime of processing patients' symptoms, are a platform where patients make an assessment of their symptoms and how to adapt to a self-care management routine. Methods of Study The method of study used was the qualitative type of research method. A review of literature and adoption of an intervention protocol. Nurses at a selected health...

African-American male population in the 1930s by the USPHS. However, a section of Americans is resistant to accept this information even after the Obama administration publicly apologized to the victims in 2010. According to psychologists, two key assumptions are cited for this kind of resistance. The strong religious ties of some Americans and the political class which does not appreciate science is the first cause of the resistance. Secondly, psychologists argue that people are bound to resist information if it is in contradiction with what they learned as children, their intuition and expectations. The scholars further note that the resistance will be visible even in adulthood especially if...

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American students as their majority. A result of this inequality is arrayed in the unparalleled integration in higher education and crime rates because the black and poor have become hopeless and fail in urban schools more than ever. He advocates for the equality of access to proper education for all people regardless of their race or social status ("Review of Kozol's Article on Urban Public Schools: Education Article Analysis"). The Mis-Education of the Negro Among the most imperative concepts of Woodson’s concepts in miseducation of the Negro leans towards the failure of the education system to represent the history of the Negros in the schools. There exists a bitter knowledge that there is a...

American Studies , 480-505. Cooper, H. L. (2015). "War on drugs policing and police brutality. Substance use & misuse, 1188-1194. Rodriguez, D. (2012). Beyond" Police Brutality. Racist State Violence and the University of California., 301-313. Taylor, J. (2013). Police Brutality, Death, and the Work of Mourning. We Are All Oscar Grant, 187-197. Toch, H. (2012). Spectators, social media, and police reform....

Americans. The fact that normal events such as meetings with police officers or walking in crowded areas promotes racial prejudice affects minority groups. It would suggest that Hispanics and Blacks created defensive mechanisms as a result of systematic societal failure to honor their status as citizensCITATION Jac141 p 54 l 1033 (Glaser 54). The present-day street gangs and cartels occurred with the aim of safeguarding the safety and financial future of groups such as Latinos and Blacks. Anaphora appears frequently with Vargas when he outlines his wishes to be an American citizen. An example occurs when he says that he thinks that working to the best of his abilities would grant him citizenship. The...

African-American population only while the white people were not include given that the outcomes of the survey were not encouraging .secondly, the patients were denied the access to the treatment so that the researchers could study the historical progress of the disease. Thirdly, the participants in the study were not provided with the purpose of the research, description of their health condition and most importantly the information on the information on the availability of treatment from the 1940s.As a result, the information was not ethical since it flawed all the health requirements of the patients. Conflict in the Essay Conflict develops in the essay in that the information and service provided...