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disadvantages of being vegan or vegetarian. Chilean Nutrition Magazine, 44 (3), 218-225. DOI: 10.4067/S0717-75182017000300218 Seven ways in which being vegan helps save the planet. (2015). Peta Latino. Collecting October 9, 2019, https: // Staff, f. (2018). 20% of Mexicans are already vegetarians or vegan • Forbes Mexico. Forbes Mexico. Collecting October 9, 2019, https: //...

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Disadvantages According to author Pahlen Acuña there are 3 great periods in which we can divide the evolution of accounting: the period that covers from ancient times to the Middle Ages considered as "simple or empirical game";the period of the "double game" that begins approximately from the year 1200 until the middle of the 19th century;and the "period of scientific accounting" initiated in the second half of the 19th century and until today. We will concentrate specifically in this last period mentioned, in which empirical research arises in accounting. Until the 60s, the financial statements had an administrative and economic approach, the objective was to know...

disadvantages that have occurred over time and that have been seen as a way to overcome limitations and offer contributions. However, it also has a counterpart whose risks are perceptible every day more. conclusion In the time I have read the modules, I have a clearer vision of what the functions of the manager are and how they impact the company. I have no doubt that without this figure, companies would not have a future. Today, we are living in a changing and more interconnected world, so managers have had to make adjustments according to the new needs that arise. As the globalization process has advanced, living conditions (especially measures using broad indicators of well -being) have...

disadvantages" (to call it somehow) about fashion, but I think I lack one of them and it is consumerism. Consumerism is defined: “immoderate tendency to acquire, spend or consume goods, not always necessary” (RAE) and we being followers of what new trends or fashion present us, it is very common that we can fall into this conscious orunconsciously.  A fairly clear example is clothes. Although we have less than a month with our new garment and it is in good condition, if the next day a new model is presented with a different color we will love it for us regardless that the “advantage” is minimal or null. If we analyze it critically, we will realize that really with “being...

disadvantages Introduction It is not easy to delimit or specify the term bilingualism. As the first instance, with bilingualism various factors are linked from the historical, geographical, linguistic, sociological, psychological, political, and pedagogical point of view. When we cover the issue of bilingualism, reference can be made to an individual circumstance, it means, the relationship of a person with and in two languages or the social group that is linked using or not different languages.  In addition, by bilingual it can refer to the subject that maintains almost perfect domain of two or more languages, to the emigrant who achieves communication in a different language from the origin of...

disadvantages. Being an advantage of tooth protection before a possible dental demineralization and having as a disadvantage the adhesion of microorganisms to the dental surface.  Therefore, the maturation of the plate causes the dental plate as such, plate detected in the oral cavity of our patient. The plate is divided into two types of plaque by its location: the supra gingival plate is that which is located on the visible dental surface and is related to tooth decay. The subgingival plaque is one that is located between the dental piece and the gum and is not visible in its entirety with the naked eye and is related to periodontal diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis. The plate...

disadvantages of the use of formal methods The use of formal methods in software engineering is a topic that has been discussed for several years. Recently, with the appearance of knowledge engineering in the information society, and the use of formal methods in industrial processes, the debate arises again.  Advantage The specification. One of the most recognized problems in the development of Software is the difficulty in detailing the behavior expected of the software, a problem that is declined with the current component -based development, since the engineer has only a textual description of the requirements, procedures, allowed entries and expected outputs. Ensure that this type of...

disadvantages of instituting environmental laws available at: https: // Why environmental regulation is good for the economy available at: https: // publicpolly.Wharton.Upenn.EDU/Live/News/1545-WHY-ENVIRONMENTAL-REGULATION-IS-GOOD-FOR-THE UNAM: The principles of environmental law, their nature and their relations with international law available at: https: //...