Addiction Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

addiction is as serious as drug or alcohol addiction, this addiction is not threatened, but most are involved in the world of video games, a fantasy world, from smaller people to people from people fromThird age, they can ignore everything, their lives, the people around them, this is very serious because if they have no obligations, they would be in video games all the time. They risk their own lives, they think of just playing, what makes this addiction more serious is that video games are not pretty or do not have many teachings, they can serve for psychomotor skills, but it is only for a precise moment, they can create psychological damage to peopleThat they play them, video games that are more...

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addiction by technological equipment, removing interest in continuing and having good communication with the family in the home if they become rebellious taking them along bad roads that later, in some cases they regret but it is too late. Also create fights in couples at home. Couples in a family can have good relationships with their children and even with themselves, but to such an extent where technology begins to take place in the family, which later there are no good communications between them but many times the phone orThe cell phone begins to have a lot of influence and the addiction begins with social networks and with this sometimes great problems arise that even end up with the total...

addiction and dependence were discovered.  Its poli consumption is extremely dangerous. The preparations of this drug are: cocaine powder: it is usually consumed snapped and has almost immediate effects that last between 2 and 3 hours. It is also used by injected, sometimes mixing it with heroin, but it is less frequent. Coca Pasta: Smoke mixed with tobacco or marijuana. Crack: it is consumed smoked and its effect is fast, intense and brief. It is the most addictive form of cocaine. Heroine (also known as horse, jaco, snow, "Chinese") is a drug synthesized from morphine (opium). Originally as a very thin white powder without smell, although its color and texture can several depending on...

addiction as chronic disease Drug addiction is a chronic disease, which is given by the compulsive or uncontrollable search and consumption of drugs despite the negative consequences that it carries. In Peru, drug use is a problem of national relevance. According to the results of the National Drug Prevention and Use Survey 2002, the levels of life of social drugs are high: 94.2% of the population has ever consumed alcohol and 68% tobacco. It is known that around one million two hundred and seventy thousand people of different social strata or ages are dependent on alcohol consumption and almost five hundred thousand people addicted to tobacco. As well as various social conflicts, drug addiction is...

addiction problems Trying to elucidate the origins of the use of psychoactive substances in humanity and the reasons that lead to the general use of these is a task of vital importance to understand the current social dynamics both in the youth population and in adulthood. According to Antonio Caballero (2001), the use of hallucinogenic substances is closely linked to culture as an atavistic factor that even permeates the religious sphere, from the Yahé rituals in the Amazon tribes to the use of wine in the Judeo -Christian tradition asDivine Evangelization and Communion Mechanism. The first approaches to the study of drug addiction described the consumer as a being without moral awaregiving way...