Addiction Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

addiction. It has the uncontrolled use of new technologies, to which insomnia, sadness or irritability can be added, in the most extreme cases, which put their health and relationships at risk. Specialists in this disorder define those affected as people who have low self - esteem and relational difficulty. The mobile phone, of the Internet, of video games, and even social networks, can be diagnosed as an addiction if four important factors are met: the need to use technological devices more and more;The withdrawal syndrome, which causes that when its use is prohibited, a contrary psychological reaction is produced;a loss of high control, which implies that when the time of use is tried;and the loss...

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addiction to alcohol (which can also be called disease) Secondary: The wife of man and both cats Incidental: Police and Tabernero   Developing The text is presented in the protagonist narrator, Homo Diegetico with internal target. We can verify the veracity of the above with the following textual appointment: Day by day I became more melancholic, irritable and indifferent towards the feelings of others The problem begins when he started drinking alcohol. His personality changed too much, he got angry quickly, he committed violent acts against his wife and his pets, mistreated them without reason. At the beginning he did nothing to the kitten, since he felt pity for him, but after a while he...

addiction, which leads to them not fulfilling their responsibilities. That is a problem that is increasing, since adolescents are not able to live in a real world and live in an artificial one. Some teenagers when they sit on the screen put the excuse that they are doing school jobs believing that they lie to their tutors, when the only ones who deceive are themselves since they are giving misuse to time. Social networks have benefits such as improving the communication of distant people, but in turn, away close people and this result in depression, anxiety, distractions, dependence and little self-control. Social networks bring many benefits, if they are given proper use. However, these have a...

addiction and a serious problem, especially for young people and children, since today they are the ones that resort to social networks and no longer have fun with traditional games. In recent years, technology has advanced and because of that, all people have made it a daily need. What you want to achieve in this work is to be able to raise awareness among young people of the problems that generate excessive abuse of video games, causing diseases at the neuronal level. Contrary to the idea of ​​the abuse of video games throughout the world, the American Psychiatric Association (A.P.A) Recognize this addiction as a pathology at the same level as substance addictions as ludopathy. Therefore, it...

addiction and abstinence, high blood pressure, seizures, heart problems. Many people report tachycardia. Its main use has been related to irregular heart rate or heart failure. Less frequent cases have been related to death. Children tend to be more sensitive to caffeine. It can be harmful to its growth. People who have heart or asthma problems also have a higher risk. It is recommended not to mix these drinks with alcohol, pregnant women and infant women, children, people sensitive to caffeine, with cardiovascular or neurological disorders should refrain from consuming them, not using them to replace lost liquids in intense physical activity: caffeine has diuretic effectsand increases the risk of...

addiction to the uncontrollable beats that he felt every time he saw him, they really made her feel more alive than ever. Every time they talked in those 30 minutes that they had recess, Diana thought that Mario's smile was not compared to what was described towards her person, her smile was sweet and delicate, she managed to touch the soul. Cliché may sound for many, but for her, those afternoons after each lunch, when they were seen in the passages, they were very special, since she finally had a friend and a first love.  Everyone knew what was happening, everyone was attentive to this event, all in the halls talked about the new friendship that had formed at school. Everyone knew that it was...

Addiction To begin this Paper, we make it clear that the public procurement system in Ecuador was prepared with the purpose of perfecting the procedures for the execution of public sector goods, works and services, in order to achieve an ideal administration of state fundsand the decrease in the risks that may occur in those public purchasing processes by the contracting entities. It is also clear that a public purchasing system is a set of norms, principles, policies, procedures and practices with respect to the different phases of the procedure and programming;A purchase, provider selection procedures, contract award and contract execution and management. On the other hand, expense policies can...

addiction is very common in adolescence of today, it is pointed out that an addiction is a group of physiological, behavioral and knowledge phenomena of variable intensity, in which the use of psychoactive substances has a high priority, it is acomplex phenomenon characterized by an evolution that goes from experimental use, social use, abuse and dependency. In a young addict its nutrition changes too much that the same as the physical appearance deteriorates after years of addiction, the palate changes and the flavors become unappreciable, the food in the treatment of addictions is too important, not only to enjoy againof food but also to re -create a healthy habit, and not cause any other...