Accountability Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

accountability. Organizing brings together duties, people, and resources for the same goal of achieving the objectives of a company. There exist four organizational structures; a company chooses the best fit structure to enable achievement of its goals. Traditional structure Five decades ago, organizational structures were a common sight since companies had one or two product lines hence conflicts were not an often occurrence. This type of structure is not commonly used in construction firms in the contemporary times. Under the traditional structure, coordination of projects is complex as much time is needed for a decision to get approval (Zaki 404). Figure 1(Zaki 404) Functional...

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accountability. It is impossible to have accountability where there are not time-bound and specific goals. This realization was my first step towards being a master student. After this realization, the next phase is the commitment to the achievement of the set goals. The initial development of the goals is very easy as ambition may drive it. However, the ambition may not be a sustainable driver for change. Instead, a commitment in the form of accountability to oneself and periodic auditing of the activities helps to propel one forward in the journey towards mastery. This entails a willingness to participate in events, high personal responsibility, competence, and organization. The journey to mastery...

accountability on several issues in the society. For this reason, those who are ready to transform a course in the society have to have several unmatched qualities. Confidence, hard work, and courage guide a leader on where, when and how to go about on many issues. This gives them room for interpersonal interactions and aids in gaining support. Strategic vision and appropriate intelligence are also needed attributes needed in leadership. Such qualities were displayed by Nelson Mandela both as a president and a philanthropist. Reference List Alimo-Metcalfe, B. & Alban-Metcalfe, J., 2001. The development of a new Transformational Leadership Questionnaire. The Journal of Occupational &...

accountability of the capital share. The reasonable bearish option set the price and establishes the expected decline to reduce the price. The trader thus chooses the underlying downward trend of stock prices and enjoy unlimited price with limited risk. (viii) Neutral Strategy This strategy in case employs the options trader to have less information concerning the stock price will rise or fall. Further, this depends on the expected volatility of the underlying stock price. It is also known as the non-directional strategy since the potential profit does not depend on the underlying stock on whether it will move up or down. These strategies help investor on maintaining the share capital or choosing...

accountability and responsibility among students directs one in taking alternatives that are more sensible. Therefore the choices made out of surroundings influence have no meaningful measures for accountability and responsibility. Also, there lacks a definite purpose in life if all decisions and actions were set up by an established system that mandates one to act in a certain way. It steals one's ambition to grow and adopt meaningful ways of excellence. A student would find it a norm just to go through an education system as it is a requirement. A choice made by external bodies creates insignificant importance in the mindset of the students thus resulting into poor and stagnant growth. Another...

accountability. The quality of education is ensured through the criteria of accreditation, which is beneficial to the students, higher education institution and the overall development of the countries. It is a necessary evil for institutions to subscribe to the rules and regulations. Ultimately, when the universities and colleges maintain the quality standards proposed by the commission, then more educational opportunities will be created, and the learning experience provided will be of quality. References Kuh, G. D., & Ewell, P. T. (2010). The state of learning outcomes assessment in the United States. Higher Education Management and Policy, 22(1), 1-20.Tsinidou, M.,...

accountability and oversight in use of certain controlled military equipment which involves a limited transfer of military equipment to the local police department from the federal government and transparency in the purchasing of military equipment. Communities and police department need to be brought together in developing guidelines on when a police officer should use necessary force. Agencies that monitor violation of human rights need to be strengthened by being equipped with more resources to improve their investigations (Mears 131). Proper training of police officers on how to deploy effective and creative strategies in handling criminals and suspects. Provision of funds by the state to...

Donald Trump


Accountability Office statistical figures released in March provided detailed information on the illegal activities in the United States associated with illegal immigrants. The policies put forward by Donald Trump are aimed at curbing the immigration to the country at all costs. The policy objectives are as result of the reports statistics and the continued terrorist attacks in the country. These issues seem to have prompted Donald Trump to propose very strict measures on the immigrants. Many critical analysts have disregarded the proposed policies as irrelevant and quite expensive to be implemented. It should be understood that the immigration policies costs the taxpayers approximately $300 billion...

accountability. Concerning program management, Ibuka exhibited partnering capabilities and creativity. Ibuka was old enough. Thus, his approach to most issues was mature. On the other hand, Morita is regarded as a marketing wizard. While Ibuka was working to develop outstanding products, Morita was busy introducing Sony as a force to reckon with to most parts of the developed world. Under leading organizations, Morita had strategic thinking and entrepreneurship capabilities. He was focused on the long-term prospects of making Sony an international brand, a move that has ultimately paid off. As a business geek, other leadership qualities portrayed by Morita was financial management and problem-solving...