Methods Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

methods for its functionalities. Some important JQuery methods for Ajax are load(), get() and post(). These JQuery methods allow a webpage to use HTTP get and post methods to request data (text/JSON/XML/HTML) from the server and load it into an HTML element on the webpage. Adding Ajax and JQuery To explain how to add Ajax and JQuery to a webpage, we use the following example. Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 1 Ajax JQuery Example In this example, the data contained in a text file will be loaded into the webpage when the user clicks the button. We start by referring to the JQuery library of Ajax, which is available online, in the <script> elements of the webpage. <script...

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methods such as observation, the use of questionnaires, conducting interviews, using secondary sources such as books and government publications, etc. When researching on bullying, the data collection step is important because it is at this point that the researcher gets to down to the actual problem on the ground. For instance, the researcher may observe how students treat one another in class, on the hallways, in the playgrounds and such other common facilities in the schools. The researcher may also interrogate students through interviews and/or questionnaires to examine how they view and treat other students, especially those that seem different from them. It is at the step of data collection...

methods such as avoidance, accommodation and most especially competition. These methods are self-centered and only achieve an individual’s goal. Strategies and Tactics Based on Shockley-Zalabak (2011), predisposition methods aim at either escalating the conflict, avoiding engaging in one, maintenance of the conflict, and a reduction of it. The occurrence of either one of these is influenced by the type of communication tactic employed while handling conflicts. Competitive and confrontational methods only act to escalate the dispute whereas open debate and disagreements may maintain or reduce the conflict. Consequently, focusing on my scores in tactic preference, on a scale of 1 to 5, I am more...

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methods like the finite-element, finite-difference, and boundary elements that are domain specific and not very accurate, SINC Collocation is a single method that can be used to solve the boundary value problems. Through trigonometric methods, use of the method helps one to get singularities near or at borders accurately. It is the most efficient method handling infinite and finite domains. It gains superiority to the multigrid method in that fewer nodal points are used, and exponential convergence can be achieved even when singularities are present (Narasimhan, Majdalani and Stenger 447-462). Radial Basis Function RBF RBFs are used to model function approximations of the form...

methods of transportation, without handling the cargo when shifting these forms of transport. Consequently, intermodalism entails the coordination of a series of transportation methods between the starting point and destination of the load as well as various shifts between modes. The primary objective of intermodalism is to link transport systems that cannot connect since they service different regions (Goldberg, 2009). Therefore, the main criteria for intermodalism to work are the presence of various forms of carriers along with the initial nature of the freight. In other words, the freight transfer exchanges the modes haulage from its initial and destination, starting with the road then the rail...

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methods that are used to do diagnosis among children. In this case, the doctor is required to perform a physical examination of the child so as to achieve an enhanced outcome. It is of merit to note that the enhanced outcomes can only be achieved when the examination are done during the day and at night. Further, the author also outlines the various methods that are used by doctors during diagnosis. These methods include questionnaires, audios, video, and continued pulse oximetry recoding (Hiren & Arens, 2008). Nevertheless, I believe that some of the tools such as questionnaires are unreliable because it may be tough for the children to tell how they feel during their sleep. In general, I...

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methods of tuning may also be applicable for the Microsoft 2012 Servers. The capability is enhanced by the fact that registry keywords in Windows Server 2008 are also acknowledged in Windows Server...

methods. Additionally, the approach appeared to be significantly effective than the waitlist and psychological placebo control conditions. The use of the prolonged exposure to the treatment of the posttraumatic disorder specific distress seemed to be great gains to the patients and treatment that they could endure. A large support resolved that PE was the treatment-of-choice for the PTSD that was on the first line and highly recommended (Powers et al., 2010). Critique The prolonged exposure was a therapeutic approach that is used in the treating posttraumatic stress disorder. Randomized controlled trials of the PE supported the hypothesis that was formulated for the study. The approach appeared...



methods used to do exercise is chin-up. A chin-up is a form of pull-up that involves the use of the back and arms where the biceps muscles are involved in carrying the whole body with the chin above the device being held. Some of the muscles involved during the chin-up are the stabilizer, the synergists as well as the prime mover. The following are the examples of stabilizer, synergist, and the prime mover muscles. Synergist muscles: these muscles which are found in the arms and the back. They include the Biceps muscles, rhomboids, deltoids, trapezii and several other small muscles found on the arms and back to support latissimi dorsi for a complete full pull-up. Stabilizer muscles: these are...