Material Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Material Cost 2800, 2400, 1350, 1000 Contribution 70w 60x 90y 100 Question 4 2000 x.05 =100x(15-4=11)-1 =1000 3000x.20=600x10=6000 4000x.25=1000x10=10000 5000x.40=2400x10=24000 6000x.10=600x10=6000 To maximize profits the clinic must order based on the needs and in this case the amount of patients. 4000 has a higher probability of...

  • Words: 1100
  • Pages: 4
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My Decision


material is more than enough to implicate the culprit who has also confessed of being guilty. The law should be applied here properly and as such, I do not have anything more to say about the case. In conclusion, it is sad that the culprit indeed deserves to be implicated. However, is not possible to exempt him from punishment whenever they are guilty. I can only say that we are waiting for the judge’s ruling to see if it will be delivered correctly and...