Making Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

making arguments as to why the plant should never be fed. The growth of plants towards the audience at the end explores the theme as to why certain behaviors should stop. As such, the last scene has several scenes which reflect the differences between cinematic and theatrical features in the entertainment...

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making decision on certain investment. Some of the main advantages of this approach are; companies would not always have the luxury of providing a discount for every available project in an objective manner. Hence, in such situations, a company is more likely to adopt the subjective approach with respect to Weighed average cost of capital. Additionally, the subjective approach helps in building risk groupings that are different and relative to the overall risk in the business. Moreover, the approach will subjectively give a risk adjustment factor to weighted average cost of capital to each risk grouping. Moreover, the approach utilizes the adjusted discount rates for the project centered on the...

making a loss on their investment compared to investors who take on unsystematic risks (Hassett, 2011). Reference Hassett, S. D. (2011). The risk premium factor: A new model for understanding the volatile forces that drive stock prices. (The risk premium factor.) Hoboken, N.J:...

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making. The interest of government bonds are the ones used as the risk-free rate. The bonds are considered to be safer to invest in as the government is unlikely to have insufficient funds to pay back. Beta of the security When an investor wants to make a decision on which stock to go for, then he uses beta (a numerical value) which show him stock that has more risk and highly correlated with the market. Therefore, beta measures how stock prices respond to the stock market. In CAPM beta plays the role of measuring the volatility of the stock and the systematic risks occurring. A positive beta will depict that the stocks are moving in the direction of the market. Expected market return This is...

making attributions on emotions of cartoon characters or deducing emotions from individuals interacting in static pictures (Smith et al., 2013). The distortion of the affective responsiveness activities was surprising considering the presentation of earlier evidence based on self-reporting showing a normal reaction to emotional stimulation among schizophrenia patients. The research revealed that; Working Memory (WM) specifically verbal is linked with dismal performance across all the three examined parameters of empathy performance, which agrees with the idea that disruptions in the ability to manipulate and hold online information may greatly affect empathic processes. Relating to symptoms, dismal...

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making it difficult to maintain them. These are unique to a component and have limited use, and there is a need to modify and revalidate them every time there is a slight change in the feature. Not only is this a mundane task for an engineer but it also locks up critical resources. I decided to adopt a more intelligent approach, which defied the tested method. My approach consisted of writing a limited number of functions that would achieve the objective of several individual roles depending on the parameters passed. While my approach did raise a few eyebrows, I was confident that a more efficient and innovative approach to automation was the need of the hour. After several iterations and countless...

IAT Test


making a better decision. The test is supposed to measure the automatic and unconscious associations with either racist words or positivity when paired with white or black people, straights and gays, violence and non-violence with weapons. The test not only encouraged me to think about the explicit associations with whites, blacks, and violence but also the connotations entangled in categorizing people. My IAT results indicated that I do not have an automatic preference for the white people and the people of color. This shows that I am not biased in either way. The level of preference indicated was moderate suggesting that I embrace both the races equally. This is a good thing for me especially in...

A trip


making it hard for me to maintain balance. Despite being the kind of person who quite quickly picked up any sport, the experience was different. Over time, however, I made progress and learned a few tricks. As I was executing a heel-side turn, it soon became apparent that I had encountered a terrain feature. It was an unexpected turn of events that caused me to panic. Usually, to overcome this obstacle one must have mastered the slopestyle skills. It also became apparent that I was not supposed to take the last corner up the slope. Unfortunately, I got the move all wrong and landed on the cold hard snow by my side breaking my arm. That marked the end of the anticipated trip as I had to be attended...

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making it fake. While he was not the only skeptic towards the donation, he did the bulk of the work by proving its illegitimacy. In his latter work, (Elegantiae Linguae Latinae in Latin) he continued from where he left his previous work and crystallized hos humanistic belief. He argued that the historical significance of words could be used to guide the thoughts and subsequently, human discourse if the study of language was perfected. He added that through the words, the past could be illuminated and enrich the human condition. Ultimately through his work, Valla created a path through which skeptics and critics could subject works to ensure that texts were viewed in both historical and cultural...