Individual Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

individuals. It does not matter if financial, and power goals are compromised, as long as peace for every person is achieved, I believe everyone is positively influenced. Peace and family security go hand in hand. It is essential for someone to know those they love are safe to function optimally. Eventually, I believe wisdom in indispensable in enabling individuals to see what is imperative. To sustain peaceful and mutually beneficial coexistence, true wisdom must be cultivated. On the other hand, I value independence. Consider it the primary value to leadership because it means an individual can make decisions without being subdued by the forces around them. In addition to this, independence...

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individual can be sure he or she is not dreaming. This is because the sensory system is more vivid and definite when one is awake compared to when dreaming this is according to René Descartes, a French Philosopher who believed the sensory or neural system could be easily deceived. A person can also establish their state by assessing the events surrounding their current situations. In a normal awake state, a person can recall and explain when and why they are at a particular place and what happened before then, however when dreaming you cannot comprehend the series of events leading to the current situation, the information is blurred and confused. This can, therefore, aid in knowing the state of a...

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individual should gain within a certain period of time when he makes any investment, which has zero risks. In reality, this cannot hold as there is no investment that has zero risks. Many times, the risk-free rate is used as a benchmark by an investor in decision making. The interest of government bonds are the ones used as the risk-free rate. The bonds are considered to be safer to invest in as the government is unlikely to have insufficient funds to pay back. Beta of the security When an investor wants to make a decision on which stock to go for, then he uses beta (a numerical value) which show him stock that has more risk and highly correlated with the market. Therefore, beta measures how stock...

individual attention could be given by us to our customers if our peak usage time could be extended. 11To encourage you to stay later, security cameras for our parking area are being considered by my partner and me. 12Cameras for some inside facilities may also be added. 13This matter has been given considerable thought. 17By completing this questionnaire, your workouts and training sessions can be better planned so that you can enjoy exactly the equipment and trainers you prefer. Fragment sentences 11To encourage you to stay later, security cameras for our parking area are being considered by my partner and me. 14Although 24-Hour Gym has never previously had an incident that endangered a...

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individual, and I acquired this virtue at a tender age. The welfare of the community was crucial, and we could attend all the public functions, wedding, and funeral ceremonies. I was raised knowing that we are obligated to participate in the public activities, helping the elderly, the disadvantaged and the disabled. All these virtues have helped in my personal growth, social and academic life. I believe that my life is still speaking with great achievements, healthy relationships, and peaceful coexistence in the society. I continue to live my life with these attributes instilled as I grew. Apart from being a hardworking, principled and goal oriented, I feel obligated to help others in my surroundings...

individuals. He explains that this gene is responsible for how we perceive others and how we respond to them. Winch sets out to differentiate social isolation from loneliness and explains that social isolation does not necessarily mean that one is lonely as they only choose to limit their interactions with people. He says that due to heredity factors, an individual inherits certain traits such as defensiveness and hostility and this affects how they deal with those around them. The gene makes people develop pessimistic mindsets concerning their relationships, and this can lead to depression. The particular gene responsible for loneliness has however not been isolated but is said to exist in another...

individual roles depending on the parameters passed. While my approach did raise a few eyebrows, I was confident that a more efficient and innovative approach to automation was the need of the hour. After several iterations and countless hours, I came up with two functions that did the job of fifteen. Using this new approach, I was able to quickly scale from automating 2 or 3 test cases to about 5 to 8 test cases per day, which marks a 150% increase in productivity. Any changes in the functionality had minimal impact on the automated scripts since it was relatively easy to accommodate these changes. Some of my team members have now adopted this approach which has improved the entire team’s...

individual's body. The conclusion The research presents black seeds as the approved cure for AIDs a pandemic which has affected the world for decades but contrary to following scientific procedures. The study is based on speculations other than accurate laboratory test to come up with final and a concrete conclusion concerning HIV cure. Retrieved...

  • Words: 275
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individual to individual, there is a common consensus on the appropriate code of conduct, especially in the academic sphere. My aim is to conduct credible research through maximum application of honesty, confidentiality, transparency, proper scientific principles, and thoroughness in work. (Resnik 1) Since my research is oriented to the defense sector, it encompasses more complex challenges than regular research. Understanding the dynamics of current operations and proposed changes could involve uncovering information that is concerned with the security of the state. Being an insider, it is also possible to become subjective and draw a conclusion from pre-existent presumptions instead of conducting...



individual takes; weight loss which can be attained even if there is no exercise carried out, some also involve the use of some tablets and pills which are being used by those have overweight to become slim, and even some situations where one is told just to dance, and automatic weight loss will be experienced (Henry N.p). Other myth articles talk about the body weight that should choose its own form, and therefore one should not do an exercise to transform it. There is also a myth which tells the people not to do exercise when they find it difficult because it won’t cause any effect on their health. These are all for the just mere attraction of the customers as well as to discourage them not to...