Important Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

important to student learning. That is why a teacher with positive interpersonal skills like Mr. Rose remains favorite to me. However, a teacher with negative attributes and characters like Mrs. Hannings remains a dislike. It is an important professional that influences students’ experiences and therefore, teachers should check on their...

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important for survival. Not knowing anything makes a person feel inadequate and insecure. They then take to find reasons and solutions around the unknown. In this respect, many people find the dire need to know as much as possible and to be ready for any challenge that they may face. Not knowing something remains very dangerous to them and is a source of insecurity. Work Cited Cecchin, Gianfranco. "Hypothesizing, circularity, and neutrality revisited: An invitation to curiosity." Family process 26.4 (1987):...

important part of Christianity. The Christians and the Catholics also disagree with the leadership and the authority of the pope. Unlike the Protestants, the Pope holds an important part of Catholics life by acting as the mediator between them and God. Therefore, the Catholic has given the pope the authority to speak on matters of faith on behalf of the Catholics. On the other hand, the Protestants have no higher authority to speak on their behalf, expect...

important to note that this is always determined by the market (Dixit & Pindyck, 1995). In this case, the investor is presented with two investment of the same risk which he then chooses one that will award the highest return. One of the approaches used in determining the cost of capital is the subjective approach. This occurs when an investor uses personal opinions and educated guesses in making decision on certain investment. Some of the main advantages of this approach are; companies would not always have the luxury of providing a discount for every available project in an objective manner. Hence, in such situations, a company is more likely to adopt the subjective approach with respect to...

important to have knowledge of its WACC. This will help it to measure the cost of supporting all prospect projects. It is worth noting that if WACC of a company is low, then the cost of financing fresh project also becomes low. When an organization intends to reduce its WACC then a decision might be made to increase the use of all cheap sources of funds. The following are the role that WACC plays in determining a project’s cost of capital: WACC can be used to determine the value of an investment and the type of investment to be selected. WACC can also be used in determining money flow prospect through the application of discount rate. A company may also use WACC as hurdle charge for accessing...

important for the company to maintain its current assets so as to aid in predict the probability, timing and amount of future cash flows thereby acting as a reflection of financial flexibility and liquidity. These three reasons would justify the decision to retain current assets since they provide some financial stability and security for the company. Also, it should still be noted that current assets are a way of holding cash for the company. On the other hand, it should be noted that current assets serve as a source of ready cash and should be used as such. This means that if the company needs ready cash then it should consider reducing the current assets and turning them into cash after...



important, it is important to note that believing it is imperative as well because one cannot walk and practice doctrine unless he believes in it. The above named noble truths are problematic in the sense that they made-up of postulates that are rarely applicable in real life. In real life, people are always unsatisfied in nature, and they are always pushed by the urge to get...

Important Feature (s) Religion has that sets it Apart from Human Endeavors? What is it that makes a Religion a Religion? In exploring religion, there are important features that set it apart from human endeavors. Religion, foremostly, examines the concept of believing in one god or different ones. Understanding religion involves acknowledging the idea of a Supreme Being(s). Various religions such as Christianity, Islam and Buddhism each worship their specific gods. These gods oversee the people; ensuring the absence of calamities and difficulties. Inasmuch as most religions focus on one god, Hinduism embraces polytheism, the belief in various gods. Human endeavors often revolve around earthly...

important in a professional person’s interview since one is required to know how to evaluate him or herself and come up with particular terms that may suit him or her. Although the employer may have a counter offer, a good negotiator is likely to come into an agreement with the employees since he or she needs a highly qualified person to ensure productivity and quality. Her advice was that a person should do a proper analysis of the range of salary, which the other new or experienced professionals in that particular field get, and ensure that when he or she comes for the interview, he or she can quote a reasonable offer that can be accepted or negotiated easily by the interviewer. Although a person...

important for them to follow God’s word so as to live peacefully. The letters used by Paul were effective in spreading righteousness among the Galatians. This theme of inheritance is indeed a figurative ideology that creates a relationship between servants and human beings as well as masters and...