Health Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Health Concerns Step 1 Population The selected population is the immigrants. Step 2 Health Concerns Immigrants struggle much in regards to accessing the health care services. They encounter additional obstacles of language, mobility, and cultural disparities, lack of knowledge of local medical services, and restricted entitlement to privately and publicly financed health care initiatives and programs. Although the level of uninsured for this population has decreased since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, it has been determined that several immigrant employees cannot afford deductibles and co-pays (Stanhope and Lancaster 22). The immigrants’ lifestyles and the fear of deportation and...

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health record document users to get reliable opinions of their client subjects. Additionally, identity management is captured during the process of facilitation of information linkage process. Identity management is also captured during the procedures of abiding by the regulations of patient information. These procedures are concerned with transparency, privacy as well as documentation. The consequences of data mismanagement are severe to the consumers as well as the health organization. Notably, data mismanagement can prove to be both time-consuming and expensive to resolve. Mismanaging of data can be stressful to the consumer because of the cost, and the mental anguish and embarrassment involved...

healthcare sector. The journal targets a broader readership than all the other articles that the author discusses in his article. The next journal that the author of the article reviews is the Journal of Biomedical Informatics which was initially known as Computers and Biomedical Research but was restructured to portray a commitment to original quality papers in the field of biomedical informatics. Even though biomedical sciences applications motivate the journal, it focuses on reports of new techniques and methodologies that have general applications and that make the basis for the changing field of biomedical informatics. The last journal that the article uses to arrive at its conclusion is one...

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health problems. I vowed to be very observant and respect any opinion and instructions that am given by other people. It has helped me to perform well in class as well as to be in good terms with my parents at home....

HEALTH CARE RECORD(EHR) Name Institution The video selected is called “Exporting / Importing Data from an Electronic Health Record ( EHR ) Software Using CCDA.” It is a demonstration of how a physician can import and export patient data into the Electronic Health Record (EHR) software Drchrono from another EHR software or source by using consolidated clinical document architecture (C-CDA) (Drchrono, 2014). The adoption of the EHR software into the healthcare industry is encouraged due to its many benefits which are evident in the video demonstration (Jamoom, Beatty, Bercovitz et al., 2012). The tutorial shows that through the use of the (C-CDA) a patient’s medical information can be...

health changes. The innovative idea will require a complex blend of effective assessment, dedication, and management. References Drucker, P. F. (1985). Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles. New York, NY: HarperCollins. Kuratko, D. (2009). Entrepreneurship Theory, Process and Practice (9th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage...

healthier more fulfilling life. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bentz, Megan. The Importance Of Stretching. Ebook. 1st ed. Illinois: UDA, 2016. "The Importance Of Stretching - Harvard Health". Harvard Health. Last modified 2016. Accessed November 14, 2016. Usigan, Ysalt. "6 Good Reasons You Need To Stretch". Shape Magazine. Last modified 2016. Accessed November 14, 2016....

  • Words: 275
  • Pages: 1
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health care. He is obliged to monitor the performance of specific duties and activities as well as taking corrective measures when necessary. The provision of health care in this region ought to be useful with equality in its provision regardless of color, ethnicity, and background. The health care workers will gain awareness on the need for equal treatment across the population to reduce disparities. A review of the conduct of healthcare employees and providers will be carried out to emphasize on proper follow-up of rules and regulations. Further, this will facilitate a reduction in the gap between the patients receiving recommended heart failure care. The composition of staff working in these areas...

health condition and record the answers in a computer-aided questionnaire. 3. The nurse will measure Dorothy’s weight and height and store the results in the EHR. He/she will also use a device to check vital signs for Dorothy’s temperature, pulse, and blood pressure. 4. Both the nurse and Dorothy will review the medical history and symptoms while editing and making clarifications, respectively. 5. The physician will conduct the physical examination whereas the clinician will perform a provisional diagnosis of Dorothy’s mental condition. The records are transferred to the EHR. 6. The clinician will use the EHR to prescribe medication, treatment, and other tests appropriate for helping...

health care system will not be able to improve and thereby the safety of the patients won’t increase. Therefore, a leader of a healthcare organization needs to acquire the skills to change and transform the punitive culture that is becoming rampant in many hospitals and healthcare organizations and thus embrace the “just culture.” As the “just culture” will ensure reliable, quality and very safe healthcare practices to the patients across the board. In the year 2014, an “Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality study” reported that of the hospital employees, 56% did not come forward for one year to report any of the errors in their medical practices (Diesing 2015). Which brings a...