Health Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

healthcare, the principle of autonomy demands that the patient should be permitted to make decisions after being provided with adequate information about the potential consequences. Therefore, IRB should convey the knowledge needed by possible research participants to facilitate informed choice in terms of their participation in the anticipated research protocol. What are the possible conflicts of interest? The possible conflicts of interest occur because the informed consent templates are not standardized hence they may differ largely among various institutions (Ashley and O'Rourke 267). Ultimately, inability to assure standardization creates major challenges especially in the events of supportive...

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Healthcare Reform” of Health Care Ethics. Currently, the state of healthcare is unstable because there is a lot of economic stress leading to its condition. The cost of healthcare is rising, a majority of the people are living longer. The question that arises from such as a situation is, how will the health sector accommodate the growing population with inadequate resources? (pg., 368) This question has led to the government formulating health reforms which are meant to create changes within the American health care system to ensure that all citizens get affordable healthcare. However, there are reforms which require more attention than the others. Affordable and equitable distribution of health...

healthcare environment. Major goals; Education goals and the research goals. The two are the most influential towards the education programs. Education goals; to enhance the scope of knowledge and make sure that students meet the employment required standards. Research goals; to enhance the scope of knowledge in students and help the students meet the employment standards. To help the students in cracking the diagnostic pathways which will help optimize health outcomes for individuals. Other issues include; new quality control checks ; Collaboration of the two departments, the CLS and MIS. ; Reorganization of the departmental operations to make sure that the quality...

Health Assembly) proposed the change of IHR in 1995 but the revision did not occur (Fidler & Gostin, 2006). 2003- 2005- Yes IHR revision was implemented in 2005 (Fidler & Gostin, 2006). Were there disease outbreaks going on that caused fear among states? 1995-2002- Yes The international spread of communicable diseases such as yellow fever, plague, and cholera pushed WHA to revise IHR (Fidler & Gostin, 2006). 2003- 2005- Yes The outbreak of (ARS) Acute Respiratory Syndrome and tuberculosis in 2003 hastened the revision processes (Fidler & Gostin, 2006). Did states think that the IHR needed to be revised? 1995- 20002- Yes Member states believed that the IHR needed to be...

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health professionals, mainly in managing chronic kidney disease (CKD), renal nurses ought to select the relevant iron supplementation for the patients (Jenkins, 2013). Consequently, the article analyses the cost implications that are involved in the processes of oral and intravenous iron supplementation using existing evidence on both approaches. Based on the collected evidence, Jenkins (2013) compares the cost implications of treating iron deficiency anemia using oral and IV iron. Firstly, she notes that despite being the cheapest form of treatment, oral iron is not the most efficient approach for people with CKD. Conversely, it does not require clinical assistance and can be self-administered at...

Health, and ARKit in the iOS11. The company aims at applying a powerful technology that can help gather accurate data about a person whenever they seek for emergency services (Evans). This will involve the application of Advanced Mobile Location (AML) which was created by the European Emergency Number Association (EENA). The system has been installed in the mobile networks of various countries such as the United Kingdom, Austria, New Zealand and Estonia. More nations are expected to adopt the system and install it on the android devices. The technology is advantageous than other standards like Cell-ID which were used traditionally when there were emergency calls. The Advanced Mobile Location is...

health records. From an individual perspective, he includes a comprehensive review of the issues associated with EHR systems on vendors and the problems brought about by the systems in the medical environment. The associated view is that the EHR systems are unable to sustain their status quo and that issues such as consolidations, mergers, bankruptcies, and consolidations are bound to happen when employing the systems in the medical industry (Eastwood). Eastwood includes the view that workflow tends to be a problem on most EHR systems. From a personal viewpoint, this can be attributed to the fact that there is a constant flow of information and hence makes it important for the medical practitioners...

healthcare team. A consideration that justifies the responsibility of a medical practitioner to disclose information is enabling the patient to express his or her consent before revealing any confidential information concerning them. The consent may be provided either using writing or by word of mouth. Also, the data should only be disclosed to a party that the patient approves.Special considerations also apply to the information that requires disclosure, the need for revealing the information and the predictable substantive implications (Grady, 2015). On competence, the assumption is that all patients are competent enough to make decisions unless there exists evidence that proves that one is...

health and security may not be checked. For instance, a male parent may not accompany his daughter to the bathroom, and thus she can be harassed. Therefore, the transgender bathroom can allow extra attention to the sick and care for the children despite the gender of those accompanying them. References Enochs, E. (2018). 5 Reasons All Bathrooms Should Be Gender Neutral. Bustle. Retrieved 2 February 2018, from...