Health Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

Health Nursing guidelines will offer information that can be applied in evaluating the Adult Care Guidelines. In conclusion, publications in the field of nursing do provide not only opportunities for sharing information, but also allow evaluation and criticism of the available written materials. Online websites and library materials have information about guidelines for the management of critical illnesses. References Annane, D., Pastores, S. M., Rochwerg, B., Arlt, W., Balk, R. A., Beishuizen, A., ... & Marik, P. E. (2017). Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of critical illness-related corticosteroid insufficiency (CIRCI) in critically ill patients (Part I): Society of Critical Care...

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Health Behavior Name Institutional Affiliation Influencing Health Behavior Community health nurses play a significant role in ensuring that health practices are promoted in various societies. They provide that all the activities undertaken by the communities are geared towards forming a more informed and healthier society (Clark, 2015). Community nurses ensure that all members of the society are aware of all types of diseases that commonly affect the community. Therefore, it is their role to ensure that all members of the society are aware of the risks and prevention measures of a disease such as tuberculosis. For instance, the nurses can highlight the prevention measures of tuberculosis which...

health issues affecting the heart that most people are not aware of. For those who are aware of them, it is common practice to see them confusing among the two. However, both conditions are characterized by the experience of chest pains. The two cardiovascular condition is almost the same and so are their symptoms. However, there is need to differentiate them by medical practitioners to administer the right kind of treatment. Angina Pectoris Angina just like its name which is a literal interpretation of chocking is characterized by an uncomfortable sensation affecting the chest of the victim. This condition occurs due to insufficient oxygen supply to the heart. The insufficiency in oxygen supply...

  • Words: 550
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healthcare providers found it difficult to translate results to patients in a coherent manner. In most cases, patients would want to know their condition and if the physician is not able to give a clear statement, there is a likelihood of the community doubting the health care institution of that institution. Secondly, the patients who were involved in the research did not see the purpose of the CAN test. In addition, they found no implications of the resultsCITATION Vel17 p 180 l 1033 (Velayutham, Chandra and Bharath 180). Caring for the patient is the first role of every health practitionerCITATION Ste01 p 444 l 1033 (Stewart 444). Typically, the best care should be given to a patient to enhance...



health complications. The treatments for cancer include chemotherapy, biological therapy, and radiation therapy (Rosen et al. 679). Conclusively, lymphomas are a group of heterogeneous malignancies that weaken the immune system and can be treated if diagnosed at an early stage. Works Cited Ansell, Stephen M. "Hodgkin lymphoma: 2016 update on diagnosis, risk‐stratification, and management." American journal of hematology 91.4 (2016): 434-442. Rosen, Steven T., et al. "Non-Hodgkin lymphoma." Pazdur R, Wagman LD, Camphausen KA, Hoskins WJ. Cancer Management: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Medical, Surgical, & Radiation Oncology 13...

  • Words: 275
  • Pages: 1
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Health Care Quality Improvement Act Due to the advent of science and technology, the healthcare and medical malpractices evolved dramatically. The increase of healthcare services grew due to the ability of the medical doctors to move and transfer to other regions without the admission of the adversarial actions or the past malpractice payments. Indeed, the Healthcare Quality Improvement Act (HCQIA) of 1986 created professional actions to engage in a national tracking system of physicians. Healthcare experts could record the medical malpractice outflows called the National Practitioner Data Bank in the tracking system. The only reason that increased the rise of the malpractice actions could be due...



health issues, and he is now overweight and stressed up. From the above characters, Oases uses the various challenges that they are facing as a symbolism of what befell both the children and parents in cases of family break up. Each character symbioses the experience of what the children and the parents pass through. Hendricks symbolizes the experience of children in case of marriage breakups. On the other hand, Dr. Rausch symbolizes the plight of parents when their children experience cases of marital disputes and the implications it has on them (Oates 204). Works cited Oates, Joyce Carol. The museum of Dr. Moses: tales of mystery and suspense. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt,...

health record in a hospital setting can be automated instead of having an administrator do so himself. Some technological devices are capable of doing the same when allowed by the user. Other functions of the database administrator that can be automated are checking for system errors, and checking for updates. The systems should notice errors and warn the user so that a database administrator can then come in to correct them. They should also be set to update themselves if such updates increase their effectiveness. Work Cited Roddick, John F. "Schema Evolution in Database Systems - An Annotated Bibliography." SIGMOD record 21.4 (1992):...